Dear Friends and Colleagues,
One of the founding principles of the PPD/TMS Peer Network is to
empower individuals to turn their chronic pain adversity into advocacy.
So many people within the PPD community have found helping others
recover to have a positive impact on their own treatment. I am always
excited to see someone take a leadership role and start their own
program to help others. That is why I am so excited to announce that a
member of our organization recently started up an in-person support
group in Kansas City. Maintaining a support group like this takes a
steady expenditure of time and energy, but it is all worth it when you
see people gain hope and heal. It is very encouraging to see people
volunteer their time to share what they have learned with the hopes
that it will help others.
It is also exciting that there is not one but two educational programs
for practitioners this month. In addition to having the regular Peer
Supervision Teleconference, there will also be a very special limited
enrollment Master Class in New York City organized by several leading
PPD experts. Many thanks go to Frances Sommer Anderson, PhD, SEP, Neal Kathleen May, PsyD, Ira Rashbaum, MD, Eric Sherman, PsyD, and especially committee chair Jeffrey Wentzel, PhD., for organizing this very exciting program. For more information on these opportunities please read below.

In This Edition
May Peer Supervision With Arlene Feinblatt
When Stress Causes Pain - A Master Class in the Diagnosis And Treatment of Psychophysiologic Disorders
Kansas City PPD Support Group
May Peer Supervision Teleconference
next Peer Supervision Teleconference will be on Saturday, May 11th from
1:00-2:30 PM ET. The special guest speaker will be PPD therapist Arlene
Feinblatt, PhD.
Arlene Feinblatt is
a Clinical Assistant Professor in the New York University School of
Medicine, and was on the faculty of the New York Center for Short Term
Dynamic Psychotherapy at the Rusk Institute. She began working
alongside Dr. Sarno in 1973, and helped develop the psychotherapy
approach for TMS. For
over thirty years Dr. Feinblatt served as a Supervising Psychologist at
New York University School of Medicine, where she educated
Psychology Interns. She also served as a Supervisor at the
Clinical Health Psychology at NYU School of Medicine and was a member
of the Faculty of the New York Center for Short-Term Dynamic
Kansas City TMS Support Group
A few months ago a member of the PTPN, Stella, took the initiative
upon herself to start up her own PPD support group to serve the greater
Kansas City area. The group has met three times already, with the last
one on May 2nd. This is the 3rd in-person support group started by PTPN
members: HilaryN started one in the UK and Peg and Veronica both started separate groups in the greater Boston area. For more information on the Kansas City group visit the Stress Illness Support Group meet-up page.
When Stress Causes Pain - A Master Class in the Diagnosis And Treatment of Psychophysiologic Disorders
Sunday, May 19, 2013 from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM (EDT)
NYU Langone Medical Center
240 E. 38th St., 15th Floor
New York, NY
Building on last Fall’s momentous conference, When Stress Causes Pain – Innovative Treatments for Psychophysiologic Disorders,
several experts in diagnosing and treating psychophysiologic disorders
(PPD) are coming together to present a series of in-depth lectures and
interactive discussions. The fee for this one-day training program is
$50 (plus a small service fee). Registration has been limited to 20
attendees in order to preserve the intimacy of a learning environment
where attendees’ questions and concerns can be addressed in detail. For
more information, contact Jeffrey Wentzel, PhD (jwentzelphd at
The training staff includes:
Frances Sommer Anderson, PhD, SEP – Private Practice, NYC
Neal Kathleen May, PsyD – William Alanson White Institute
Ira Rashbaum, MD – Rusk Institute—NYU Langone Medical Center
Forest S., MA, MS – PPD Patient Advocate
Eric Sherman, PsyD – Private Practice, NYC
Jeffrey Wentzel, PhD – Brooklyn Center for Psychotherapy
Registration for this event is currently full. Contact Jeffrey Wentzel to be added to the waiting list. |
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