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Steve Ozanich
Last Activity:
Oct 24, 2021
May 3, 2012
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Jan 14, 1959 (Age: 65)
Home Page:
Warren, Ohio
TMS Consultant

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Steve Ozanich

TMS Consultant, Male, 65, from Warren, Ohio

Fundraiser Dec 7, 2013

Steve Ozanich was last seen:
Oct 24, 2021
  • My Story

    Healed after 30 years of pain. Thank you Dr. Sarno.
    1. sybil
      I really liked your book
    2. MWsunin12
      Steve, It doesn't appear you visit this site much, however...should you....I wanted you to know what a blessing you were in my life..and continue to be. Thank you. I wish you all good things and hope you're able to get some happy golfing in this spring.
    3. samuelp180
      Mr. Ozanich,
      I am a 17 year old with the diagnoses of chronic fatigue syndrome. I have been doing the work the past 6 months and I am saying incredible results., for the past week I have felt extremely hungry even after eating. I was wondering if this could be tms. I am worried that it is something serious. This all started when I started doing somatic tracking.
    4. Rene100
      Dear Steve
      I keep getting bad gastritis (inflammation of stomach lining and deuodenum) right after I have emotional run ins..any advice on.how go prevent or stop emotions from doing this? Thx!!! Rene
    5. Sidk30
      Last year i got chronic back pain attack which was diagnosed as L4-5 disc bulge, i did PT for 4 months but no complete cure.I do not have episodes of chronic pain but i feel my legs weak when i play sports and slight twitching/pain in my groin. The only problem is, I'm not getting how do i recognize my specific repressed emotions. I require guidance so that i may trace that "this is your repressed emotions".
    6. rooseramjet
      Your Super “Ego” is scared; it’s trying to take away your passion/working out! That is your greatest fear! You need to fight through the fear of “pain” & workout! Go slow & don’t give up! Keep moving! Keep working out! Your Ego/ brain thinks it needs to protect you by creating the pain.
      1. intense50 and Mitch like this.
    7. EX JOCK
      EX JOCK
      ROUGH DAY YESTERDAY. frustration is setting in. I was hurting after work and decided to take a few days off from
      gym. I hate not working out. leg got worse and I just watched tv and read HEALING BACK PAIN AGAIN. I know its only been a
      week but I have not felt any progress and am scared. I have been hurting over 3 months with no relief scared. woke up today with a better
      attitude . hoping to build on it.
    8. EX JOCK
      EX JOCK
      ok thanks I appreciate. enjoy your holidays
    9. EX JOCK
      EX JOCK
      I am seeing Ira Rashbaum in 28 days and hope that his visit will eliminate that 1 percent. I am the person in the books. I am a goodie and mirror all traits of TMS.
      struggled with back issues my whole life but have been pain free for 6 year s before this latest struggle. 2 surgeries since 2000. Happy holidays to all
      1. Brant
        hey Ex Jock! saw your post to Steve on the front of the forums page and just thought I would "pump you up" as I see a lot of similarities with our stories... I'm like Steve, 57 and had a whole lifetime of pain and had to discover Sarno and TMS twice...if you get a chance read My Story, I had surgeries that never really changed pain but 100% convinced its TMS and back to my passion of playing hockey! good luck.
        Nov 24, 2016
    10. EX JOCK
      EX JOCK
      I am new to the forum and I am on day 3 of SEP. 3 months into Sciatica and have done everything medically that I can do. I have read 2 of Dr. Sarno's book and now reading Steve's 10 healing discovies. I am 99 percent convinced that I have TMS. But I still have that 1 percent doubt that I am trying to get rid of
    11. ellie freegan
      ellie freegan
      I read your book and found it very helpful, thank you.However I was distressed when I read perfectionists will never be happy because the world will never be perfect because it rang true.All the suffering in the world really depresses me.This part made me think should I just give up and accept I’ll always be depressed?I hope not,I cant stand that thought.I would really appreciate some words of hope.Many thanks
    12. speedysel
      If your schedule allows I would really appreciate some guidance from you regarding my efforts to rid myself of TMS. Although I have read alot of material and work hard at reconditioning and rewiring my brain I am not improving and suffer from acute muscle tension which affects my life dramatically. My body seems to be in a chronic state of fight or flight or perhaps moreso the "freeze" (+ - 5 yrs).
    13. TomPNY
      Just wanted to say thanks. I finished your book this week, and it was a great eye opener filled with tons of great info I need to get where I am heading. I really appreciate all of your work on this.
    14. Steve Ozanich
    15. phillyjoe
      Steve. When you get a chance can you check out my post from today. Thanks

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  • My Story

    Jan 14, 1959 (Age: 65)
    Home Page:
    Warren, Ohio
    TMS Consultant
    Bilateral thinginitus with permanent whatchubob and severe normalcy
    Healed after 30 years of pain. Thank you Dr. Sarno.