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Peer Supporter, Male, from UK

Recovered thanks to Sarno's books. Mar 31, 2023

theacrobat was last seen:
Sep 1, 2024
  • My Story

    I had severe back, foot, neck, hip pain, gingivitis, chronic fatigue, many food intolerances (lactose, gluten, citrus, even starch), the list goes on and on. These symptoms were simmering for 9 years, of which 15 months were extremely bad. Five doctors thought I had severe autoimmune disease (Crohn's and Celiac were mentioned), but I was never diagnosed by a specialist because partly due to lockdown cancellations, I stopped seeing doctors before it got to that point. Autoimmune paleo diets offered hope and temporary relief but ultimately exacerbated symptoms by encouraging my obsession with food. I made a full recovery using Dr Sarno's methods and other TMS books. Now I have written my own book to raise awareness of mind-body concepts. Ego's Odyssey is a psychological fantasy inspired by Greek mythology and the ideas of Sarno and Jung. It is available at the following link for 99 cents (amazon won't let me sell it any cheaper):

    1. theacrobat
      Recovered thanks to Sarno's books.
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  • My Story

    I had severe back, foot, neck, hip pain, gingivitis, chronic fatigue, many food intolerances (lactose, gluten, citrus, even starch), the list goes on and on. These symptoms were simmering for 9 years, of which 15 months were extremely bad. Five doctors thought I had severe autoimmune disease (Crohn's and Celiac were mentioned), but I was never diagnosed by a specialist because partly due to lockdown cancellations, I stopped seeing doctors before it got to that point. Autoimmune paleo diets offered hope and temporary relief but ultimately exacerbated symptoms by encouraging my obsession with food. I made a full recovery using Dr Sarno's methods and other TMS books. Now I have written my own book to raise awareness of mind-body concepts. Ego's Odyssey is a psychological fantasy inspired by Greek mythology and the ideas of Sarno and Jung. It is available at the following link for 99 cents (amazon won't let me sell it any cheaper):
