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Sep 29, 2014
Aug 7, 2014
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San Diego California
Realtor Broker

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New Member, Female, from San Diego California

I have anxiety,depression, spasms and pain in my limbs. TMS i'm positive. Sep 1, 2014

bnunofield was last seen:
Sep 29, 2014
  • My Story

    I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis 3 years ago and its been challenging to say the least. I've been trying to fix that problem ever since. obsessing over a cure. I've tried bee venom therapy and diet and even a coach including a diet. I have obsessed and just been in denial,ot so just a fighter. I survived terrible abuse of the worst kind when I was a little girl until I was 8. I have been battling anxiety,depression, insomnia and at one time I had seizures that went away after I went to a mass of faith healing and I never had another seizure again. I am married with 4 kids . 2 moved out 2 live with us with my 2 grandkids. I've been a mega producer realtor broker, I can do it all girl with a smile on my face. My mother and father were married for 62 years and had us 13 children. My younger brother passed 3 years ago and it was very untimely heart breaking. I adored him. In January this year I evicted a tenant that I had helped and taken under my wing with opportunities, work and influence for a better life. They moved out of my house, moved a bunch of drugies in and I was left with an eviction of people I didn't put in there. It took 6 months thanks to California law. I was so stressed that I couldn't sleep, I had a neck spasm one night that manifested to back pain and tension on my back, hands, limbs and arms. I am heart broken that someone I helped I was just so wrong about. I was angry at myself because I let my very intelligent gaurd down. I went from this caring loving, save the world, I can make a difference person , to a suspicious full of rage, fear and just ticked off individual. To think someone that you can help, give a lifeline to, can screw you that way. It was wrong and we paid dearly for this. My health has not been the same. I got the cd version of the Healing back pain mind and body. I've been working with the 12 confirmations and everytime I have pain I connect with it and think about what's bothering me. I still have pain and tension through out my body. I sure could use everyone's guidance and love. I've been so alone in this. I know with Gods help and my faith and all the guidance from you all, I'll be ok. with respect Blanca
    1. bnunofield
      I have anxiety,depression, spasms and pain in my limbs. TMS i'm positive.
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  • My Story

    San Diego California
    Realtor Broker
    I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis 3 years ago and its been challenging to say the least. I've been trying to fix that problem ever since. obsessing over a cure. I've tried bee venom therapy and diet and even a coach including a diet. I have obsessed and just been in denial,ot so just a fighter. I survived terrible abuse of the worst kind when I was a little girl until I was 8. I have been battling anxiety,depression, insomnia and at one time I had seizures that went away after I went to a mass of faith healing and I never had another seizure again. I am married with 4 kids . 2 moved out 2 live with us with my 2 grandkids. I've been a mega producer realtor broker, I can do it all girl with a smile on my face. My mother and father were married for 62 years and had us 13 children. My younger brother passed 3 years ago and it was very untimely heart breaking. I adored him. In January this year I evicted a tenant that I had helped and taken under my wing with opportunities, work and influence for a better life. They moved out of my house, moved a bunch of drugies in and I was left with an eviction of people I didn't put in there. It took 6 months thanks to California law. I was so stressed that I couldn't sleep, I had a neck spasm one night that manifested to back pain and tension on my back, hands, limbs and arms. I am heart broken that someone I helped I was just so wrong about. I was angry at myself because I let my very intelligent gaurd down. I went from this caring loving, save the world, I can make a difference person , to a suspicious full of rage, fear and just ticked off individual. To think someone that you can help, give a lifeline to, can screw you that way. It was wrong and we paid dearly for this. My health has not been the same. I got the cd version of the Healing back pain mind and body. I've been working with the 12 confirmations and everytime I have pain I connect with it and think about what's bothering me. I still have pain and tension through out my body. I sure could use everyone's guidance and love. I've been so alone in this. I know with Gods help and my faith and all the guidance from you all, I'll be ok. with respect Blanca