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November 17
San Antonio Texas
Registered Nurse. (Retired)

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Well known member, Female, from San Antonio Texas

Grateful17 was last seen:
Dec 23, 2020
  • My Story

    I think I have had mild TMS since the age of 5.
    I had minor issues pop up on and off from the age of 5 to 43. (mostly TMS equivalents). But for the most part, I lived a very active, happy life.

    Then in 2007, I got super sick with severe food allergies, mcs, and the fibro, chronic pain set in.
    I spent tons of $ going from doctor to doctor trying to figure it all out. Now in retrospect, I realize that some severe emotional stressors in my life from 2002-2007 likely tipped me over and all of my most severe TMS symptoms began to emerge.

    In late 2013 I found a wonderful Neuroplasticity program and discovered that I had a Mindbody condition. I worked the program and had great improvements, but kept losing those improvements anytime something of an emotional nature would happen. I began to see a pattern.

    Someone suggested that I try Faster EFT (tapping) and IT HELPED SO MUCH TOO. Even shifted my TMS pain.
    One of my FEFT practitioners that I was seeing to clear out old past emotional traumas, suggested that I read THE GREAT PAIN DECEPTION. and the rest is history. I was blown away. Needless to say, I did not need to be convinced that I have TMS, because I saw myself in every page and matched every symptom and personality trait.

    The pattern of my chronic pain/fibro are EXACTLY as TMS describes. And yes, my brilliant brain chose old injures to place this pain in, even choosing to give me a frozen left shoulder because that is the arm I always cary my heavy purse on.....

    When I eat certain foods that I am allergic to, my TMS pain increases and other TMS symptoms increase too. I finally realized that my 30 other symptoms are TMS equivalents, (serving the same purpose to distract)

    I will see Dr. Sklar soon in Fort Worth.

    I have read 5 TMS books and ordered 3 more, then read somewhere that I should STOP collecting information and just focus on healing.But I am so intrigued with the whole TMS story. Not sure if I should read the other 3books or not.

    I am doing light exercising for the first time in my LIFE...!!!! and it feels fantastic. When I was reading THE GREAT PAIN.........my lower back pain actually increased..then got better. I look forward to this new journey and more than anything, I look forward to LIVING AGAIN.
    1. donavanf
      Thank you for sharing your story. I see myself in you, and you are not alone. We are all in this together. I also have shoulder pain, mine is in my shooting arm, I am a photographer. May I ask, What kind of "light exercise" do you do?
    2. LoLo
      Hello Grateful,
      I too at this moment was pondering the thought of reading more books. I am only day five and thrive on all the TMS info. I beleive Steve O's book will be next.
      I too can't wait to get back to days where I can do whatever I want with no fear and pain.
      1. Grateful17
        Hi LoLo, Oh Steve-O's book the Great Pain Deception is how I first learned of TMS> and happens to be my all time Favorite TMS book, hands down. I have read 7 or 8 of them now. So it has only been several months since finding out about TMS. I already knew I had a mind body issue but my healing had stalled because I did not have this all important TMS piece of the puzzle.
        Sep 15, 2015
    3. Tennis Tom
      Tennis Tom
      Grateful17:"I have read 5 TMS books and ordered 3 more, then read somewhere that I should STOP collecting information and just focus on healing. "

      Read all the TMS books you want. TMS KNOWLEDGE is the best first-aid kit you can own. You'll be lending them out and will need one for reference on occasion. SteveO's GPD is the go to TMS text and his appendix of TMS symptoms is a great reference.
      1. donavanf
        This is helpful. I am fascinated by TMS and want to read more but don't want to re-enforce symptoms.
        Mar 5, 2016
        Grateful17 likes this.
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  • My Story

    November 17
    San Antonio Texas
    Registered Nurse. (Retired)
    Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, MCS. Severe food allergies, pollen/mold allergies. Immune suppression. EBV. high cortisol, hormonal imbalances.
    I think I have had mild TMS since the age of 5.
    I had minor issues pop up on and off from the age of 5 to 43. (mostly TMS equivalents). But for the most part, I lived a very active, happy life.

    Then in 2007, I got super sick with severe food allergies, mcs, and the fibro, chronic pain set in.
    I spent tons of $ going from doctor to doctor trying to figure it all out. Now in retrospect, I realize that some severe emotional stressors in my life from 2002-2007 likely tipped me over and all of my most severe TMS symptoms began to emerge.

    In late 2013 I found a wonderful Neuroplasticity program and discovered that I had a Mindbody condition. I worked the program and had great improvements, but kept losing those improvements anytime something of an emotional nature would happen. I began to see a pattern.

    Someone suggested that I try Faster EFT (tapping) and IT HELPED SO MUCH TOO. Even shifted my TMS pain.
    One of my FEFT practitioners that I was seeing to clear out old past emotional traumas, suggested that I read THE GREAT PAIN DECEPTION. and the rest is history. I was blown away. Needless to say, I did not need to be convinced that I have TMS, because I saw myself in every page and matched every symptom and personality trait.

    The pattern of my chronic pain/fibro are EXACTLY as TMS describes. And yes, my brilliant brain chose old injures to place this pain in, even choosing to give me a frozen left shoulder because that is the arm I always cary my heavy purse on.....

    When I eat certain foods that I am allergic to, my TMS pain increases and other TMS symptoms increase too. I finally realized that my 30 other symptoms are TMS equivalents, (serving the same purpose to distract)

    I will see Dr. Sklar soon in Fort Worth.

    I have read 5 TMS books and ordered 3 more, then read somewhere that I should STOP collecting information and just focus on healing.But I am so intrigued with the whole TMS story. Not sure if I should read the other 3books or not.

    I am doing light exercising for the first time in my LIFE...!!!! and it feels fantastic. When I was reading THE GREAT PAIN.........my lower back pain actually increased..then got better. I look forward to this new journey and more than anything, I look forward to LIVING AGAIN.
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