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Mar 16, 2025 at 3:45 PM
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September 9

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New Member, Female

Lucylu was last seen:
Mar 16, 2025 at 3:45 PM
  • My Story


    That's how I describe myself on the inside. On the outside I smile because I'm expected to.

    I wish I could open my mouth and let it all go.

    That's where this story started. "Don't tell your parents." No, I wasn't a teenager when I first heard that. I was 3. Yes, 3. I knew that it was 'only a phase' for my cousin and uncle, who were both 13. :( My parents found out, but I felt bad because I knew it hurt them. Somehow, I knew it must've been something I was 'asking for.'

    My whole life has been me keeping my mouth shut out of consideration for other people.

    At 25, my husband had an 'emotional affair' with a friend.
    At 34, he had another affair...with the same girl.
    At 35 my 'pastor' embezzeled $25K over a 17 month time span. I certainly don't think that's all he took. I yelled at him and asked him where the money was. He called me a little girl. Yup, the one time I speak up for myself against someone other than my husband, and it's MY fault. wow.

    And here I am. 36 years old.
    My husband and I are still together, and have gotten lots of counseling.
    There's a reason why I stayed, but it did take me a year to decide.

    I've had so many symptoms over the past 18 months.
    I'm thankful to have come across TMS and the wiki.
    1. Lucylu
      That moment you wish your story wasn't yours..but accept it bc that was when you began to take care of yourself.
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  • My Story

    September 9

    That's how I describe myself on the inside. On the outside I smile because I'm expected to.

    I wish I could open my mouth and let it all go.

    That's where this story started. "Don't tell your parents." No, I wasn't a teenager when I first heard that. I was 3. Yes, 3. I knew that it was 'only a phase' for my cousin and uncle, who were both 13. :( My parents found out, but I felt bad because I knew it hurt them. Somehow, I knew it must've been something I was 'asking for.'

    My whole life has been me keeping my mouth shut out of consideration for other people.

    At 25, my husband had an 'emotional affair' with a friend.
    At 34, he had another affair...with the same girl.
    At 35 my 'pastor' embezzeled $25K over a 17 month time span. I certainly don't think that's all he took. I yelled at him and asked him where the money was. He called me a little girl. Yup, the one time I speak up for myself against someone other than my husband, and it's MY fault. wow.

    And here I am. 36 years old.
    My husband and I are still together, and have gotten lots of counseling.
    There's a reason why I stayed, but it did take me a year to decide.

    I've had so many symptoms over the past 18 months.
    I'm thankful to have come across TMS and the wiki.
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