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Caroline Rumur
Well known member, Female
It's so exciting to see this forum about TMS! Contact me to let me know how you can get involved so we can make this film. Jan 23, 2014
- Caroline Rumur was last seen:
- Dec 18, 2014
My Story
My name is Caroline and I working with the documentary company RUMUR on a film about the work of Dr. John Sarno.
Story of Pain is a documentary film that examines the explosion of pain related syndromes over the last 50 years. The film will focus on the groundbreaking work of Dr. John E. Sarno, author of "Healing Back Pain" but will include a broader set of issues related to medicine.
Plot Outline
While focusing on Dr. Sarno - the film will include interviews with a wider range of patients, doctors, and journalists in an attempt to get to the bottom of the pain epidemic that has raged across America over the last 50 years. - Loading...
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My Story
My name is Caroline and I working with the documentary company RUMUR on a film about the work of Dr. John Sarno.
Story of Pain is a documentary film that examines the explosion of pain related syndromes over the last 50 years. The film will focus on the groundbreaking work of Dr. John E. Sarno, author of "Healing Back Pain" but will include a broader set of issues related to medicine.
Plot Outline
While focusing on Dr. Sarno - the film will include interviews with a wider range of patients, doctors, and journalists in an attempt to get to the bottom of the pain epidemic that has raged across America over the last 50 years.Interact
I am working with the documentary company RUMUR on a new film about Dr. John Sarno and his theories.
Support this film on Kickstarter: http://bit.ly/atrkick
Learn more: www.rumur.com • https://www.facebook.com/rumur • http://rumur.com/we-have-the-science/