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Sep 10, 2024 at 9:14 PM
Jan 3, 2024
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New Member, Male

Tms survivors Jan 3, 2024

CPatrick was last seen:
Sep 10, 2024 at 9:14 PM
  • My Story

    I wax 33 years old. I was in the best shape I've probably ever been in, I was lifting weights 5 days a week and eating super clean. I was as busy at work as I wanted. Then one day I felt a burning sensation between my shoulder blades, by the end of the day, I was in the fetal position in the back room at work with pain like I've never experienced before. I had chronic pain from that day forward. 3 or so years later I discovered dr sarnos healing back pain. The day I finished that book, my pain had not gone away, but it had the volume turned way down. Besides the fact that like most tms people, that book could have been written about me. Since then I've read it 10 or 12 times. I've read all his books multiple times. I've read everything I can find on the mindbody. I've had amazing success with this work, furthering my belief. But I keep having relapses and setbacks.
    1. CPatrick
      Tms survivors
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  • My Story

    I wax 33 years old. I was in the best shape I've probably ever been in, I was lifting weights 5 days a week and eating super clean. I was as busy at work as I wanted. Then one day I felt a burning sensation between my shoulder blades, by the end of the day, I was in the fetal position in the back room at work with pain like I've never experienced before. I had chronic pain from that day forward. 3 or so years later I discovered dr sarnos healing back pain. The day I finished that book, my pain had not gone away, but it had the volume turned way down. Besides the fact that like most tms people, that book could have been written about me. Since then I've read it 10 or 12 times. I've read all his books multiple times. I've read everything I can find on the mindbody. I've had amazing success with this work, furthering my belief. But I keep having relapses and setbacks.