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Jan 4, 2024
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Newcomer, Male

DavidStrindberg was last seen:
Jan 4, 2024
  • My Story

    Aftet like 10 major life events in half a year (meeting a new partner, deciding to move to the US, me giving up my job and apartment in Ge4many, my dad getting sick with cancer, my dad dying, me moving to the US, my new relationship falling apart) I developed an extremely frustrating 24/7 pain that wanders around in my upper left body and settles in my TMJ most of the day for now.
    I am not good right now. In deep obsession, have moved back in with my mum and not able to work in my job as a teacher at the moment.

    I am not really the peoplepleasing perfectionist type, but definetly have an obsessive vein.
    My childhood was free of any big Trauma. So there is also shame fot being so messed up at the moment.

    Well, I look forward to eventually posting my sucess-story on this forum.

    Thank you!
    1. There are no messages on DavidStrindberg's profile yet.
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  • My Story

    Aftet like 10 major life events in half a year (meeting a new partner, deciding to move to the US, me giving up my job and apartment in Ge4many, my dad getting sick with cancer, my dad dying, me moving to the US, my new relationship falling apart) I developed an extremely frustrating 24/7 pain that wanders around in my upper left body and settles in my TMJ most of the day for now.
    I am not good right now. In deep obsession, have moved back in with my mum and not able to work in my job as a teacher at the moment.

    I am not really the peoplepleasing perfectionist type, but definetly have an obsessive vein.
    My childhood was free of any big Trauma. So there is also shame fot being so messed up at the moment.

    Well, I look forward to eventually posting my sucess-story on this forum.

    Thank you!