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Rob Dutch
Last Activity:
Feb 20, 2020
Feb 5, 2020
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The Netherlands
company lawyer

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Rob Dutch

Newcomer, Male, from The Netherlands

ds/ Belgium? Feb 5, 2020

Rob Dutch was last seen:
Feb 20, 2020
  • My Story

    I have chronic pain again: mainly at my right leg and lower right back: sciatica, piriformis, groin pain but recently also at my right neck, shoulder and arm/fingers

    i have had similar chronic pain more than twenty years ago: in my twenties there were three longer periods of chronic pain who I, without knowing about TMS at the time, 'concurred'.

    I have had mahor life events in the past years which to me explain why my TMS had returned|;
    I lost my daughter Gwen at tbe age of 19 in december 2011. My wife has cancer since 2014. i have had a heart attack in 2016.

    I sleeping badly, I feel depressed.

    I know I have to follow the TMS roadmap but I have difficulties feeling my hidden emotions.

    Does anyone know a good doctor/ therapist in the Netherlands/ Belgiium?
    1. servette
      Hello Rob, there's a Dutch book: Weg van de pijn by Saskia de Bruin. It's very good and also contains exercises for journaling.
      I found 2 therapists but unfortunately they are not really close to the place I live. They are Frieda van Dijen in Wijk bij Duurstede and Nienke Feberwee in Utrecht/Wageningen (emotiealsmedicijn.nl)
    2. Rob Dutch
      Rob Dutch
      ds/ Belgium?
    3. Rob Dutch
      Rob Dutch
      question: does anyone know a good TMS doctor/ program in the Netherlanas
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  • My Story

    The Netherlands
    company lawyer
    I have chronic pain again: mainly at my right leg and lower right back: sciatica, piriformis, groin pain but recently also at my right neck, shoulder and arm/fingers

    i have had similar chronic pain more than twenty years ago: in my twenties there were three longer periods of chronic pain who I, without knowing about TMS at the time, 'concurred'.

    I have had mahor life events in the past years which to me explain why my TMS had returned|;
    I lost my daughter Gwen at tbe age of 19 in december 2011. My wife has cancer since 2014. i have had a heart attack in 2016.

    I sleeping badly, I feel depressed.

    I know I have to follow the TMS roadmap but I have difficulties feeling my hidden emotions.

    Does anyone know a good doctor/ therapist in the Netherlands/ Belgiium?