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New Member, Female, from United Kingdom

Day 3 Jan 4, 2017

Star238 was last seen:
Mar 23, 2023
  • My Story

    Age: 56, living in UK

    In 2005 I had a virus which turned into a chest infection. I didn't recover properly and was told I had post-viral fatigue. This didn't go away and I started to get really achey and tired. I was referred to a chest physician who couldn't find anything wrong. I stopped working for 3 months but it didn't get any better and in the end I decided to get back to work. I eventually paid to see a doctor in London in 2006 who told me I had a mild version of fibromyalgia. My marriage was in trouble and life was very stressful at that time. I eventually divorced in 2010.

    In 2012 I started the menopause. The symptoms had stayed more or less the same over the past 6 years. I was in daily pain and fairly fatigued. I also suffered from an irritable painful bladder. Following the menopause things seemed to get worse, the pain was more severe and I was starting to get multiple food intolerances and a lot of anxiety. In 2014 I started to get frequent migraines and was put on betablockers which helped a lot. I left work last year as it was getting too much and after reading a book about psychosomatic illness I started seeing a psychotherapist recently.

    I have also seen a nutritionist who has found H Pylori, low B vitamins and some inflammation in my bowel. I'm not sure if these are anything to do with TMS.

    I'm hoping to get some relief by following this programme.
    1. Star238
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  • My Story

    United Kingdom
    Fibromyalgia, migraine, food intolerances
    Age: 56, living in UK

    In 2005 I had a virus which turned into a chest infection. I didn't recover properly and was told I had post-viral fatigue. This didn't go away and I started to get really achey and tired. I was referred to a chest physician who couldn't find anything wrong. I stopped working for 3 months but it didn't get any better and in the end I decided to get back to work. I eventually paid to see a doctor in London in 2006 who told me I had a mild version of fibromyalgia. My marriage was in trouble and life was very stressful at that time. I eventually divorced in 2010.

    In 2012 I started the menopause. The symptoms had stayed more or less the same over the past 6 years. I was in daily pain and fairly fatigued. I also suffered from an irritable painful bladder. Following the menopause things seemed to get worse, the pain was more severe and I was starting to get multiple food intolerances and a lot of anxiety. In 2014 I started to get frequent migraines and was put on betablockers which helped a lot. I left work last year as it was getting too much and after reading a book about psychosomatic illness I started seeing a psychotherapist recently.

    I have also seen a nutritionist who has found H Pylori, low B vitamins and some inflammation in my bowel. I'm not sure if these are anything to do with TMS.

    I'm hoping to get some relief by following this programme.