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Thom Montrois
New Member, Male, from Jupiter Florida
Single but in a long term relationship Feb 10, 2013
- Thom Montrois was last seen:
- Feb 21, 2013
My Story
I've just finished reading Dr Sarno's book Healing Back Pain and The MindBody Prescription and would REALLY appreciate someones guidance because I'm ready to do some of the emotional work and not really sure where to begin.
I've been dealing with various episodes of low back pain for years.
More recently (July 3rd 2011) while picking up the morning newspaper I felt a twinge of pain in the lower back and was imobilized by mid day. This episode took about 5 days to recover and start to feel somewhat normal. However, since this date, I've had what I've been told is periformis syndrome which feels like sciatica primary on the left side.
I can't seem to shake this no matter what I try "physically".
Since the July 2011. I had not had any imobilizing incidents until January 5th of 2013. It was the same situation. Just a certain movement and there's the pain again. It tood about a week to heal and I was good for about a week and it happened again January 20th!
It took a little longer this time to heal but now finally doing almost normal.
I've done all the traditional physical ways to heal including 11 years of chiropractic. I truly believe in what Dr Sarno and would appreciate any guidance!!!
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My Story
I've just finished reading Dr Sarno's book Healing Back Pain and The MindBody Prescription and would REALLY appreciate someones guidance because I'm ready to do some of the emotional work and not really sure where to begin.
I've been dealing with various episodes of low back pain for years.
More recently (July 3rd 2011) while picking up the morning newspaper I felt a twinge of pain in the lower back and was imobilized by mid day. This episode took about 5 days to recover and start to feel somewhat normal. However, since this date, I've had what I've been told is periformis syndrome which feels like sciatica primary on the left side.
I can't seem to shake this no matter what I try "physically".
Since the July 2011. I had not had any imobilizing incidents until January 5th of 2013. It was the same situation. Just a certain movement and there's the pain again. It tood about a week to heal and I was good for about a week and it happened again January 20th!
It took a little longer this time to heal but now finally doing almost normal.
I've done all the traditional physical ways to heal including 11 years of chiropractic. I truly believe in what Dr Sarno and would appreciate any guidance!!!