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Self-employed business

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Peer Supporter, Female

Still doing the work; learning a geat deal about my patterns, issues, and emotions.... Who knew? Jan 10, 2013

Ami was last seen:
Nov 1, 2021
  • My Story

    I read that TMS is behind neuralgia; I am counting on it, as the option of increasing anti- convulsants that make me stupid, dopey, or worse, of getting brain surgery - are dismal prospects. All this started out of the blue some six years ago; this summer was absolutely brutal. The last neurologist I saw, after 9 hours in Emergency when the neuralgia went totally out of control, told me about the grim future I faced. I was feeling quite sorry for myself, no longer able to function in my business with the very high dose of meds, passing clients on to others, and thinking I needed to face this "serious" condition.

    Three weeks ago, a friend suggested I read Sarno's latest book before considering surgery. I have since also read The Mind Body Prescription, listened to Sarno's interview, and now have found this Forum.

    Have only read 1 success story in The Divided Brain, back chapter - a woman who has been diagnosed and suffered from Trigeminal Neuralgia. I have been diagnosed with a similar, though rarer type of neuralgia. I am so relieved to find out that TMS is the cause of this excruciating pain, and not any damage or compression of the nerve....now to convince my Unconscious to stop this strategy.

    If anyone out there have success stories to share related to neuralgia, I'd love to hear them.

    Thanks for all of you who have created this Forum.

    1. Ami
      Still doing the work; learning a geat deal about my patterns, issues, and emotions.... Who knew?
    2. Ami
      Working through Unlearn Your Pain, Day 5...very in-depth journaling and daily mindfulness meditation on the CD.
    3. Ami
      Reading Unlearn Your Pain by Dr. Schubiner and am preparing to deep dive into his 28-day program...
    4. Ami
      Readying for Christmas as I read, Unlearn Your Pain"; interesting juxtaposition!
    5. Ami
      Reading about Symptom Substitution and recognize that my unconscious is desperately trying to fool me with new pain symptoms; not convinced
    6. Ami
      Newish TMS-strategy in the past couple of days...really sore/sensitive knees & legs-used to think this was fibromyalgia ... Not! It's TMS.
    7. Ami
      Slowing down and determined to find a way to delegate so I can enjoy life and have time for me,
    8. Ami
      I am very flexible and so was surprised this morning when stretching to feel acute shoulder pain...and immediately suspected TMS; got stern!
    9. Ami
      Really appreciate today's reading by Monte advocating practical ways to learn how to live in the present: start with 5 mins at daily tasks.
    10. Ami
      Today is week three of this program. Have been thinking about the fear of relapse; appreciate Dr. Schubiner's blog on not fearing the fear.
    11. Ami
      Reading about TMS and rashes and allergies, which I had for 15 years triggered by rough anniversary of emotional abandonment.
    12. Ami
      Today's question from Dr. Howard Schubiner is a good one for me to explore, "why might my mind prefer to hang on to these symptoms?
    13. Ami
      Discovering how long this strategy has been operating in my life, and how oblivious I have been, up until recently, to its effects. No more!
    14. Ami
      Appreciating the comments today in Lesson 22 about how understanding and accepting TMS/PPD changes my outlook of what is really going on.
    15. Ami
      Enjoying being in the flow of grace and receiving help from many sources.
    16. Ami
      Reading about a Hawaian process called Ho'oponopono to heal unconscious memories.
    17. Ami
      Gently shared the concept of TMS with another neuralgia sufferer; she is opting for meds and surgery and the promise of being pain-free.
    18. Ami
      Seeing long established patterns of promising myself to play more and work less, and enjoy life. High time I listened to my inner prompting
    19. Ami
      Journaling in-depth is a walk down memory lane..the good, the bad and the ugly. And learning to accept and love myself through it all.
    20. Ami
      Started a list of people I haven't thought about (some for almost 50 years) and am glad to remember. And some others, not so much...
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  • My Story

    Self-employed business
    I read that TMS is behind neuralgia; I am counting on it, as the option of increasing anti- convulsants that make me stupid, dopey, or worse, of getting brain surgery - are dismal prospects. All this started out of the blue some six years ago; this summer was absolutely brutal. The last neurologist I saw, after 9 hours in Emergency when the neuralgia went totally out of control, told me about the grim future I faced. I was feeling quite sorry for myself, no longer able to function in my business with the very high dose of meds, passing clients on to others, and thinking I needed to face this "serious" condition.

    Three weeks ago, a friend suggested I read Sarno's latest book before considering surgery. I have since also read The Mind Body Prescription, listened to Sarno's interview, and now have found this Forum.

    Have only read 1 success story in The Divided Brain, back chapter - a woman who has been diagnosed and suffered from Trigeminal Neuralgia. I have been diagnosed with a similar, though rarer type of neuralgia. I am so relieved to find out that TMS is the cause of this excruciating pain, and not any damage or compression of the nerve....now to convince my Unconscious to stop this strategy.

    If anyone out there have success stories to share related to neuralgia, I'd love to hear them.

    Thanks for all of you who have created this Forum.
