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Aug 22, 2018
Feb 8, 2016
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Wexford Ireland
Business owner

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New Member, Female, from Wexford Ireland

Norrie was last seen:
Aug 22, 2018
  • My Story

    I had a horse riding accident and broke L4 L5 and had 4 pedicular screws put in.
    Since then the pain has spread over the last 20 years ,I take morphine,and pain killers ,I have had injections in my back regularly attended a chronic pain course in hospital for a month.
    My husband had a heart attack and I suffered after that a very serious series of panic attacks and General anxiety disorder . 2 years ago my mammy died and I escalated and the pain went through the roof and my anxiety became so bad I had to take drugs and suffer from my asthma kicking off. A took a nebuliser 4 times a day then a specialist did tests and said this was not my regular asthma but emotional and referred me to a councillor. I have attended one now and am aware of the fact I am so frightened all the time and overwhelmed with emotional suppressed feelings. I am positive and since I started the TMS I have got worse emotionally but reduced my morphine. Please god this will work.
    1. Bodhigirl
      I hope you have found the support you were seeking... I am just seeing this, nearly a year later, and wonder how you fared?
    2. directingart
      I hope TMS works miracles for you - I've just started myself and I'm hopeful. If everything I've read is to be believed then I think in time it will help both of us - may your load be lighter and your pain be gone.
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  • My Story

    Wexford Ireland
    Business owner
    Broke L4 L5 but now have pain thro whole back,degeneration on C5C6 and T 10 ligament issues .
    I had a horse riding accident and broke L4 L5 and had 4 pedicular screws put in.
    Since then the pain has spread over the last 20 years ,I take morphine,and pain killers ,I have had injections in my back regularly attended a chronic pain course in hospital for a month.
    My husband had a heart attack and I suffered after that a very serious series of panic attacks and General anxiety disorder . 2 years ago my mammy died and I escalated and the pain went through the roof and my anxiety became so bad I had to take drugs and suffer from my asthma kicking off. A took a nebuliser 4 times a day then a specialist did tests and said this was not my regular asthma but emotional and referred me to a councillor. I have attended one now and am aware of the fact I am so frightened all the time and overwhelmed with emotional suppressed feelings. I am positive and since I started the TMS I have got worse emotionally but reduced my morphine. Please god this will work.