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Mar 18, 2012
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    1. SSS
      Early on I was instructed to track my pain in an attempt to correlate it to diet and other activities. This was very anxiety provoking to me as it felt I was constantly measuring my pain and also it was the first and last thing I thought of. and overall I never found a correlation, so I stopped and I think it was better for me.
    2. cosmy
      Olin, regarding what you said about tracking your pain...I’ve been doing the same thing, but it didn’t bother me so much...there are days when is easier not to give it too much attention and then there are days when is more difficult...maybe is a good idea to try and correlate the level of your pain with your emotions resulted from journaling!
    3. moni-violet
      Thank you for your comment on day 8, it helps me a lot !!! and by the way those flowers on your profile pic are one of my favorites ! :)
    4. Forest
      I love your avatar, Ollin.... what a gorgeous photo!
      1. HilaryN
        Are those passion fruit flowers? I'm growing some at the moment - one plant is climbing across the kitchen ceiling cos I haven't managed to plant it out yet!
        Apr 11, 2012
      2. Ollin
        Yes, passionflowers. Not the ones from my backyard which are only white. The plant (leaves, flowers) has been my friend for many years of stress because of their calming properties.
        Apr 11, 2012
      3. Forest
        And beautiful, too.
        Apr 11, 2012
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