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Mar 17, 2014
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    1. Hope First
      Hope First
      Hi Leslie! I just wanted to follow up with you to see how your doing with your symptoms when you described that it feels like you're floating. Are you currently have those same symptoms? I am, unfortunately. Have your doctor been able to diagnose the symptoms or prescribed meds that's helpful? Please advise as I desperately would love to know how to overcome this. Thank you in advance.
      1. Leslie735
        Hello! I'm so sorry you are dealing with the floaty feelings. I pray they go away for you! I've had episodes over the years where it'll last up to 8 weeks but has faded away. Because of it, I now avoid flying in airplanes, long car trip, boats, and certain amusement rides.
        Mar 24, 2019
    2. Anxiousone
      Hi Leslie, I'd love to chat with you about the bladder issues you have had in the past. I'm not sure how to send you a private message?
      Would be great to hear from you.

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