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Newcomer, Male, from NJ

Saved by Sarno after 20 years of pain Feb 21, 2020

Lracerr01 was last seen:
Feb 21, 2020
  • My Story

    In my early 20s I was playing basketball and hurt my back. It locked up and I could not walk right for weeks. Ever since then I’ve had chronic pain. It would get better then worse then better. I have seen all kinds of doctors including chiropractors, surgeons, pain doctors, physical therapists, massage Etc. I’ve have laser spine surgery, epidurals, trigger point injections. Taken all kinds of drugs. Nothing worked 100% or lasted. Mostly it made the pain a little less but it was always there. For 25 years !! It recently got so bad I was having shooting pains down my legs and could not sleep at night. My back would lock up so bad I could not get out of bed. I had multiple MRIs which showed I had multiple herniated and bulging discs. All of the advice I received from doctors etc was do not lift anything, do not run, watch your posture, sleep a certain way etc etc etc.

    Recently I was doing some research for my wife who also has chronic pain mostly in her upper back/ neck. I was chatting with a friend who mentioned Dr Sarno. I said of course I’ll try what is there to lose.

    I read the book in a few days. Before I was done reading I noticed the pain in my back had disappeared. It was like magic. I then quickly read the rest and started the next steps - I stopped seeing medical doctors and treatment. I had stopped running which I love, but based on Sarnos book I tried that again.

    I ran. And ran some more. I did feel a small tightness in my back a couple of times but that went away too. I ran downhill fast which doctors told me not to. I ran as fast as I could. I really wanted to test the sarno method. I also changed my attitude towards all things physical. I stopped sitting up straight. I bent over at the waist.

    Through all of this- no pain. I was skeptical at first but the more I tested my limits the more I was convinced that it was all in my head.

    It has been about 4 months now and I am still 100% pain free. This has been an extraordinary experience. It is life changing. I feel so much hope and happiness now that I know my future life will never have that pain in it again.

    Thanks for listening and hope this helps others who may be in pain too. I’ve been trying to get my wife to read sarnos books and see if it works for her. She is resistant, but I will keep trying. I have tried talking to others that had similar back pain but am learning that many people simply won’t believe the sarno treatment can work because it’s too simple. It is tragic. But that is part of life. Good luck all and glad to have found this wiki to document my experience !
    1. Lars
      Thanks for your amazing story, so wonderful that you are pain free after 20 years!
    2. Lracerr01
      Saved by Sarno after 20 years of pain
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  • My Story

    In my early 20s I was playing basketball and hurt my back. It locked up and I could not walk right for weeks. Ever since then I’ve had chronic pain. It would get better then worse then better. I have seen all kinds of doctors including chiropractors, surgeons, pain doctors, physical therapists, massage Etc. I’ve have laser spine surgery, epidurals, trigger point injections. Taken all kinds of drugs. Nothing worked 100% or lasted. Mostly it made the pain a little less but it was always there. For 25 years !! It recently got so bad I was having shooting pains down my legs and could not sleep at night. My back would lock up so bad I could not get out of bed. I had multiple MRIs which showed I had multiple herniated and bulging discs. All of the advice I received from doctors etc was do not lift anything, do not run, watch your posture, sleep a certain way etc etc etc.

    Recently I was doing some research for my wife who also has chronic pain mostly in her upper back/ neck. I was chatting with a friend who mentioned Dr Sarno. I said of course I’ll try what is there to lose.

    I read the book in a few days. Before I was done reading I noticed the pain in my back had disappeared. It was like magic. I then quickly read the rest and started the next steps - I stopped seeing medical doctors and treatment. I had stopped running which I love, but based on Sarnos book I tried that again.

    I ran. And ran some more. I did feel a small tightness in my back a couple of times but that went away too. I ran downhill fast which doctors told me not to. I ran as fast as I could. I really wanted to test the sarno method. I also changed my attitude towards all things physical. I stopped sitting up straight. I bent over at the waist.

    Through all of this- no pain. I was skeptical at first but the more I tested my limits the more I was convinced that it was all in my head.

    It has been about 4 months now and I am still 100% pain free. This has been an extraordinary experience. It is life changing. I feel so much hope and happiness now that I know my future life will never have that pain in it again.

    Thanks for listening and hope this helps others who may be in pain too. I’ve been trying to get my wife to read sarnos books and see if it works for her. She is resistant, but I will keep trying. I have tried talking to others that had similar back pain but am learning that many people simply won’t believe the sarno treatment can work because it’s too simple. It is tragic. But that is part of life. Good luck all and glad to have found this wiki to document my experience !