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Andy Bayliss
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Oct 17, 2024 at 3:39 AM
May 5, 2013
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Andy Bayliss

TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle, Male

I am back in the land of internet. I hope everyone is refining their own path to healing! Oct 9, 2019

Andy Bayliss was last seen:
Oct 17, 2024 at 3:39 AM
  • My Story

    I am offering TMS coaching, specializing in contacting different parts of ourselves, inner critic awareness, and self-empathy. My experience with TMS is that it is a deep inner calling to come home to one's self. Contact me through this site with a message. Or here: http://tmspainrelief.com/ See my story below.

    3 years worsening foot pain, in the arch of the foot. 14 doctors, blood platelet injections, 3 sets of orthodics, low dye taping, physical therapy, sports medicine, etc etc. MRI, emg (nerve testing), ultrasound imaging, Dr Dellon's pressure sensory device testing for neuropathy. Diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, then neuropathy and tarsal tunnel (nerve entrapment). Pain so bad that I could barely stand more than 15 minutes, minimum walking, wheel chairs and crutches for stores, lost all my former life of activity. 2 weeks from "tarsal tunnel" surgery I began Sarno's practices. 2 months into it, my first overnight hike (8 miles round trip), and my first backcountry skiing. Less than a year later, ski around Crater Lake, breaking trail by myself, 10 miles a day with backpack. Pain 98% gone. I have my life back.
    1. invincible
      Hi Andy, wanted to know how you became a TMS coach? Is it possible for someone with no medical background to become a TMS coach?
    2. Tmswarrior32
      Hi Andy did you have a Morton neuroma diagnosis by the doctor? Looking into framing this issue as tms and interested in speaking with you about this foot issue I am having my email is carolina_0x@hotmail.com
    3. Innybeany
      Well done.....must feel truly wonderful after so much pain for so long.
      I have foot pain out of the blue....travels under the foot...uneven ground like walking on a nerve and so painful. I shout at it but always have this little bit of fear like 'what if' erc. I know there's nothing wrong so any advice REALLY welcome
    4. anat
      i sent u a message in your website
    5. anat
      wow. please contact me. i want to hear more
    6. oneperson
      Awesome Andy!
      As far as "parts" work, do you do anything with Internal Family Systems?
      Thank you for sharing and I'm so glad you are able to hike the woods again...and ski!!
      ~Carol :)

      PS: After I posted this message, I looked at your website. I'll be visiting it in the upcoming weeks. Thanks again! :)
    7. Andy Bayliss
      Andy Bayliss
      I am back in the land of internet. I hope everyone is refining their own path to healing!
      1. Forest likes this.
      2. Forest
        Welcome back, Andy!
        Oct 21, 2019
    8. Andy Bayliss
      Andy Bayliss
      I am off the internet to the top of my mountain until fall. May all the sincere self-practitioners here find inner healing! Trust, and work.
      1. HattieNC likes this.
    9. Andy Bayliss
      Andy Bayliss
      Back in the land of internet, family, cars, and friends for the winter. My best to all here!
    10. Renate
      Hi Andy, did you receive my mail on your http://www.tmspainrelief.com site? I asked for a session with you, I also have foot pain since many years and I urgently need help.
      1. plum
        I believe Andy is away in a place without internet access. I'm sure he'll be in touch once he's home.
        Aug 23, 2018
    11. Andy Bayliss
      Andy Bayliss
      Off to my summer home! Will be back on internet in the fall.
    12. Andy Bayliss
      Andy Bayliss
      Hi Friends, I am back in internet land. I'm sorry about Dr. Sarno and happy about Alan's new program.
    13. Andy Bayliss
      Andy Bayliss
      1. Fabi
        Andy! I was upset I couldnĀ“t find you when Alan released his new programme!! Now I see you are having a great time!!!
        Aug 9, 2017
    14. Andy Bayliss
      Andy Bayliss
      I am back in the land of internet communication after another wonderful season on my mountain top. Hiked part way down with 75 pound pack!
    15. lexylucy
      Have a great time!!
    16. Andy Bayliss
      Andy Bayliss
      I am off in a few days to my fire lookout retreat until October. To connect with me, call 541-821-6218. Enjoy your summer, TMS peeps!
      1. mike2014
        Hey Andy, enjoy your break my friend, I hope you have an incredible time.
        Jun 19, 2016
    17. Kelley
      Yay! So great to hear and inspiring and motivating to keep going with it myself!!! Thank you for posting
    18. Janine28
      You inspire me! Thanks so much Andy for sharing your story and offering support for those of us just discovering the possibilities that lay ahead as we find the courage to face our deepest traumas and emotions.
      1. Forest likes this.
      2. Andy Bayliss
        Andy Bayliss
        Hi Janine28,
        You are welcome! Doing the SEP and the TMS Recovery Program --or any engagement in inquiry about your life will bring you many gifts. Courage, compassion, tenderness for our selves. Good luck in your journey!
        Apr 6, 2016
        Lotus, anat and Janine28 like this.
    19. giantsfan
      That's a friggin awesome summarized story, Andy. (I love your profile picture btw). I keep salivating at the idea of day hiking Mt. Whitney one day.
      1. Andy Bayliss
        Andy Bayliss
        Hi giantsfan,
        That is a photo in Val de Aosta Italy, with a friend. I have skied Whitney, years ago, down the trail route. Beautiful granito!! Hope you get up there soon, or perhaps when the snow melts for the year.
        Feb 24, 2016
        giantsfan likes this.
    20. IrishSceptic
      amazing story Andy, just got round to reading now. I had brutal episodes of foot pain but nothing like yours
      1. Andy Bayliss
        Andy Bayliss
        Hi IrishSceptic, I appreciate you learning about my situation! I feel so absolutely lucky to find, and then persist (against my resistances) with Dr. Sarno's method. I already knew the psychodynamics in me, and that was a huge help! It all made sense.
        Dec 25, 2015
      2. IrishSceptic
        yep, thats why it struck a chord with me too! happy Christmas!
        Dec 25, 2015
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  • My Story

    I am offering TMS coaching, specializing in contacting different parts of ourselves, inner critic awareness, and self-empathy. My experience with TMS is that it is a deep inner calling to come home to one's self. Contact me through this site with a message. Or here: http://tmspainrelief.com/ See my story below.

    3 years worsening foot pain, in the arch of the foot. 14 doctors, blood platelet injections, 3 sets of orthodics, low dye taping, physical therapy, sports medicine, etc etc. MRI, emg (nerve testing), ultrasound imaging, Dr Dellon's pressure sensory device testing for neuropathy. Diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, then neuropathy and tarsal tunnel (nerve entrapment). Pain so bad that I could barely stand more than 15 minutes, minimum walking, wheel chairs and crutches for stores, lost all my former life of activity. 2 weeks from "tarsal tunnel" surgery I began Sarno's practices. 2 months into it, my first overnight hike (8 miles round trip), and my first backcountry skiing. Less than a year later, ski around Crater Lake, breaking trail by myself, 10 miles a day with backpack. Pain 98% gone. I have my life back.


    Working skillfully with TMS reveals our strength, love, and beauty.

    Pain Relief through Insight and Self-Compassion, Life Coach