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Beloved Grand Eagle, Female

TMS Coach Oct 27, 2020

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    1. Bsarkar
      Hi, do you offer coaching sessions?
      1. miffybunny likes this.
      2. miffybunny
        Yes I do. Feel free to message me in private.
        Sep 19, 2024
    2. zclesa
      Just sending a note of appreciation for replying to my posts. I thank you for your time, thoughts, and energy. I am grateful for you.
      1. miffybunny likes this.
      2. miffybunny
        Hi 2zclesa, My pleasure! You've got this! :)
        Jan 10, 2024
        zclesa likes this.
    3. Usman1515
      Hi, i know i should not fear the symtomps, but how will i respond to urge to pee?
      1. miffybunny
        Hi @Usman1515 , You respond the same way you would to pain...unworried, unconcerned...the sense of urgency is annoying but harmless and meaningless, and just your brain. Shift focus to your life and don't make a big deal out of it. After awhile your brain will stop sending these signals because it will get the message that you don't care. You have to be bored with it. Indifference is the goal!
        Sep 16, 2023
        Usman1515 likes this.
      2. Usman1515
        So i do pee when i feel urge, like sometime i want to pee even after 5 minute?
        Sep 16, 2023
    4. Esmarelda
      Can you help me? I have suffered from anxiety for years and years but lately it has become severe. After I pee, it feels like urine moving around but I don't really have to go again. This happened last summer, went to the doctor and said it was urinary retention or OAB. It isn't OAB. It went away for 6 months but came back just recently. Do you think this could be TMS related??? Thank you so much.
      1. miffybunny
        Hi Esmarelda, yes it's absolutely tms and simply anxiety! feel free to contact me in private if you would like.
        Apr 17, 2022
    5. miffybunny
    6. RootedinNature
      Hi miffybunny, Hope you're doing well. I found your page when I searched for "Scrambler Therapy". How was that experience for you? I am supposed to start treatment on Monday, but am having doubts. Were you able to get over your CRPS? The docs say that I may "have" CRPS or PHN. Non-stop intense pain in one spot on my breast
      1. miffybunny
        Hi, Scrambler therapy was a waste of time and money. I recovered from CRPS by using Dr. Sarnos work and focusing on the psychological root cause of my pain. We can set up a time to speak if you would like...or send me a private message. I wrote an article called "I recovered and So Can You" in the Success thread, as well as the RSDSA website :)
        Feb 22, 2020
    7. Renate
      Hi miffybunny, how are you? Is your RSD better? I am dealing with it since 6 years. I have it in my left foot, it began after a necrosis. Last year I had 6 better month but since October I'm having much pain again. I would be pleased to hear from you!!
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