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East Coast, USA

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Beloved Grand Eagle, Female, from East Coast, USA

I am here to say you can get over this. It is your choice (yes, it is a choice) to stay stuck where you are. @Cactusflower Dec 3, 2024 at 11:22 AM

  • My Story

    SHORT VERSION: I have been fighting TMS (and winning sometimes) on and off for 30 years. I discovered Sarno in 2017 and had a quick recovery. But in 2020, I broke out in multiple symptoms. And in March 2024, I joined this life-changing forum.

    LONG VERSION:I have been fighting TMS on and off for 30 years. I have had insomnia, depression, IBS, foot pain, back pain, neck pain, severe panic attacks, leg numbness, neuropathy, burning legs, plantar fasciitis, leg weakness, allergies, asthma, persistent cough, numb and tingling hands, hands curling up (won’t open all the way, no gripping power), painful leg and stomach contractions, dizziness, electrical “buzzing” inside, sensitivities to things touching me, very cold feet, night terrors and balance issues.

    In 2017, I discovered Dr. Sarno and immediately embraced TMS. I studied it day and night and started journaling about my emotions and got rid of tingling hands at the time. During my other episodes, I just somehow ignored it, and it went away eventually or diminished enough to live with it.

    Flash forward to 2020. During the pandemic, I was extremely terrified, and under a great deal of stress on many levels. I began getting many new symptoms— plantar, foot pain, tingling, numbness, weakness, stiff knees, cramping hands, a feeling like strong hands are gripping my knees, or my hips.

    Here’s more of my story if you’re interested: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/my-story-i-know-it%E2%80%99s-tms.28068/ (Day 1 - My story- I know it’s TMS)
    1. Diana-M
      Preoccupation with your symptoms makes you lose your ability to see that you're emotionally uncomfortable. @ACE1
      1. BloodMoon likes this.
    2. Diana-M
      I made chicken and dumplings last night. :)
      1. HealingMe and BloodMoon like this.
    3. Cactusflower
      1. Diana-M likes this.
      2. Diana-M
        Thank you!
        Oct 29, 2024
    4. Diana-M
      We want healing to be linear because it makes us feel safe. (But it’s not.) - Nicole Sachs
      1. BloodMoon likes this.
    5. Diana-M
      Part 2-But that also means that you must put a lot of time, effort, and patience into climbing back to normal. @TG957
    6. Diana-M
      Part 1-It takes a lot of damage to make the nervous system fall apart & create intense symptoms in different parts of the body.
    7. Diana-M
      Cleaned my bathroom today (minus the tub); cooked chili and did the dishes. Almost doubled over in pain. But did it anyway. Happy!
      1. HealingMe, BloodMoon and Cactusflower like this.
      2. BloodMoon
        Well done, D! :) I really like your inspiring status updates. I'm going to take a leaf out of your book and do some status updates of my own.
        Oct 19, 2024
        Diana-M likes this.
      3. Diana-M
        Great! Can’t wait to read them!
        Oct 19, 2024
        BloodMoon likes this.
    8. Diana-M
      Today, I *accept* my symptoms as a *temporary* by-product of my brain.
    9. Diana-M
      “Ultimately, we develop pain symptoms because of our inability to alleviate our fears and anxieties.”— @TG957
      1. BloodMoon and TG957 like this.
    10. Diana-M
      You can talk to your brain and tell it you’re safe. And that’s a good tactic. Or, you can SHOW it you’re safe. That’s better. Do stuff!
      1. TG957, BloodMoon and HealingMe like this.
    11. Diana-M
      Ease up on trying to know all, and to be all, and begin to live for today in great joy. Imprison yourself with hope. @Cactusflower
      1. TG957 and HealingMe like this.
      2. HealingMe
        I love that: imprison yourself with hope. Saving this in my notes.
        Oct 12, 2024
        Diana-M likes this.
    12. Diana-M
      “Your body will heal itself if you get out of its way. And you get out of its way by accepting it, as it is today.” -Claire Weeks
      1. TG957 and HealingMe like this.
    13. Diana-M
      Be satisfied with what little you can do at first. It’s the attempt that matters. —Dr. Weekes
      1. TG957, HealingMe and BloodMoon like this.
      2. HealingMe
        Yes -- exactly. Continue patting yourself on the back for these little accomplishments too.
        Oct 3, 2024
        Diana-M likes this.
    14. Diana-M
      The only way to teach the brain that you are fine is to actually believe that and behave like a person who is fine would behave. @miffybunny
      1. HealingMe and BloodMoon like this.
      2. BloodMoon
        Another one of my favourite miffybunny 'in-a-nutshell' quotations is: "you will need to get clarity on what is really going on here... which is just anxiety."
        Oct 2, 2024
        Diana-M likes this.
      3. HealingMe
        I very much love this.
        Oct 3, 2024
    15. Diana-M
      I cooked dinner tonight for the first time in 9 months!
    16. Diana-M
      “Loosening your tense hold on yourself…giving up the struggle…may bring a calmness you have forgotten existed within you.”—Claire Weekes
      1. BloodMoon and intense50 like this.
    17. Diana-M
      Started some chair yoga. It feels great! Have 3 new freelance writing projects for this week. Very happy!
    18. Diana-M
      The obstacles in the path are the path. It is not about waiting for something. (Nichole Sachs)
    19. Diana-M
      Realized today I need to stop running from grief. Hiding from it doesn’t heal it.
    20. Diana-M
      I do things slowly. So what? Most of the time I’m happy.
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  • My Story

    East Coast, USA
    SHORT VERSION: I have been fighting TMS (and winning sometimes) on and off for 30 years. I discovered Sarno in 2017 and had a quick recovery. But in 2020, I broke out in multiple symptoms. And in March 2024, I joined this life-changing forum.

    LONG VERSION:I have been fighting TMS on and off for 30 years. I have had insomnia, depression, IBS, foot pain, back pain, neck pain, severe panic attacks, leg numbness, neuropathy, burning legs, plantar fasciitis, leg weakness, allergies, asthma, persistent cough, numb and tingling hands, hands curling up (won’t open all the way, no gripping power), painful leg and stomach contractions, dizziness, electrical “buzzing” inside, sensitivities to things touching me, very cold feet, night terrors and balance issues.

    In 2017, I discovered Dr. Sarno and immediately embraced TMS. I studied it day and night and started journaling about my emotions and got rid of tingling hands at the time. During my other episodes, I just somehow ignored it, and it went away eventually or diminished enough to live with it.

    Flash forward to 2020. During the pandemic, I was extremely terrified, and under a great deal of stress on many levels. I began getting many new symptoms— plantar, foot pain, tingling, numbness, weakness, stiff knees, cramping hands, a feeling like strong hands are gripping my knees, or my hips.

    Here’s more of my story if you’re interested: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/my-story-i-know-it%E2%80%99s-tms.28068/ (Day 1 - My story- I know it’s TMS)
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