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Beloved Grand Eagle, Female

We must prove to our brains that we know what is going on, that we are not misled and above all that we are not intimidated or afraid. Sarno Mar 8, 2025 at 8:24 PM

  • My Story

    I have been fighting TMS all my life. In the past, my symptoms would go away over time, if I ignored them. After I learned about Dr. Sarno in 2017, I had one book healing, and then my TMS returned with a vengeance. During the pandemic, I became extremely anxious as most people did. But I became more anxious than most people because I hovered over the news incessantly. I also had about five or six personal and family issues going on that were extremely difficult for me and an abusive childhood. Thus, my symptoms exploded —and took over pretty much my whole body. I’m not diagnosed, but I have all the symptoms of complex regional pain syndrome. I’ve had so many strange sensations related to anxiety and adrenaline, I can’t even list them all here. But believe me, adrenaline can cause total havoc in your body.

    In the past year of being on this forum, I can’t even name all the things I have learned. Incredibly valuable and important things! I wouldn’t want go back to who I was before or the life I had before. And that is saying a lot because I’m still in pain and debilitated. However, I have full confidence that if I don’t give up, I will overcome this TMS.

    Here’s more of my story if you’re interested: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/my-story-i-know-it%E2%80%99s-tms.28068/ (Day 1 - My story- I know it’s TMS)
    1. Diana-M
      We must prove to our brains that we know what is going on, that we are not misled and above all that we are not intimidated or afraid. Sarno
    2. Diana-M
      Walking through the fire will indeed cure you, not burn you up. Nicole Sachs
    3. Diana-M
      On forgiveness-By letting go of trying to solve an unchangeable situation, you receive a huge surge of energy to move forward. D. Hanscom
    4. Diana-M
      Forgiveness is truly the tipping point of healing. David Hanscom
    5. Diana-M
      Choose to program your brain with positive alternatives and solutions. That entails accepting yourself through forgiveness. D. Hanscom
    6. Diana-M
      It is critical to relax when you have the opportunity. You have to make the decision to enjoy your life. D. Hanscom
    7. Diana-M
      Freeing yourself from the victim role is an ongoing, conscious choice. There are no shortcuts. David Hanscom, MD
    8. Diana-M
      Filling your life with positive experiences— is the essence of neurological reprogramming. David Hanscom
    9. Diana-M
    10. Diana-M
      Learning how to truly be alive again and embrace myself made my symptoms fade away. @Dorado
    11. Diana-M
      Anytime you are frustrated or angry you are in a victim role. Anger is necessary for survival, but it does not help you thrive. D. Hanscom
    12. Diana-M
      Symptoms can be intensified only by further fear and its resulting tension, never by facing and accepting. Dr. Claire Weekes
    13. Diana-M
      It just starts with a decision: "I'm done being afraid." Alan Gordon
    14. Diana-M
      It was becoming personal for me—a battle of me against me, and I was determined to defeat me. Steve Ozanich
    15. Diana-M
      As long as you are in any way preoccupied with what your body is doing, the pain will continue. John E. Sarno, MD, Healing Back Pain
    16. Diana-M
      “The fear of becoming active is a more powerful force of distraction than the pain itself.” John Sarno
    17. Diana-M
      When I experienced the faintest glimpse of a way out, I was able to keep building on it, step-by-step. Dr. David Hanscom (thedocjourney.com)
    18. Diana-M
      You don't need more info about your body or TMS..you need more info about you! @Baseball65
    19. Diana-M
      The self-defeating logic of anxiety; it makes us truly believe that the only way to feel safe is to never feel safe. Martha Beck
    20. Diana-M
      This TMS journey is not just about symptom relief, it's about life relief, and the bookend to trauma is power. @miffybunny
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  • My Story

    I have been fighting TMS all my life. In the past, my symptoms would go away over time, if I ignored them. After I learned about Dr. Sarno in 2017, I had one book healing, and then my TMS returned with a vengeance. During the pandemic, I became extremely anxious as most people did. But I became more anxious than most people because I hovered over the news incessantly. I also had about five or six personal and family issues going on that were extremely difficult for me and an abusive childhood. Thus, my symptoms exploded —and took over pretty much my whole body. I’m not diagnosed, but I have all the symptoms of complex regional pain syndrome. I’ve had so many strange sensations related to anxiety and adrenaline, I can’t even list them all here. But believe me, adrenaline can cause total havoc in your body.

    In the past year of being on this forum, I can’t even name all the things I have learned. Incredibly valuable and important things! I wouldn’t want go back to who I was before or the life I had before. And that is saying a lot because I’m still in pain and debilitated. However, I have full confidence that if I don’t give up, I will overcome this TMS.

    Here’s more of my story if you’re interested: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/my-story-i-know-it%E2%80%99s-tms.28068/ (Day 1 - My story- I know it’s TMS)
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