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Aug 8, 2012
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Peer Supporter, Female, from Germany

Wow, you remembered her name, I am excited :-)! Jul 14, 2013

  • My Story

    I am suffering from occasional TMS since childhood. With the beginning of adolescence TMS symptoms got worse over the years, starting with really severe pain in both feet in 1996. It's the most persevering symptom and since the onset of this pain I wasn't painfree for a single day and am not able to walk more than about half a mile. Over the time, as my life become more stressful, I developped more TMS symptoms like asthma, itching skin, piriformis syndrome, RSI in both arms, stiff ellbow and frozen shoulder to name some of them. I also developped fatique and flue-like symptoms like diffuse growing pain in both arms and legs and a sore throat and in the end was diagnosed with "fibro".
    Since last summer, when I googled some of my symptoms, I read about Sarno, purchased his book and finally found the TMS forums. I also read SteveO's book and emailed him what was very insightful for me. Although TMS is nearly unknown in Germany, I found two new German friends via these forums and am very glad about that!
    I have early trauma in my childhood and find it unlikely to recover very fast but I still noticed some small and very positive changes and that really makes me confident and hopefull about all that scary stuff I am dealing with since 2 decades! There're already small improvements as some of the fibro-related symptoms (feeling flue-like & growing pains) nearly disappeared, these were the newest symptoms. Even the asthma (which never was severe but caused me permanent cough so that I had to use an inhaler) and the itchy skin disappeared.
    But the symptome imperative is still active and since my piriformis syndrome improved and I am able to sit even longer my right arm got really worse to the point I can barely use it now.
    But knowing about TMS makes this journey even better because before I thought I suffered from some mysterious and crippling systemic illness! So knowing about TMS was the best thing that could actually happen to me!
    1. Birdie
      Wow, you remembered her name, I am excited :-)!
    2. MatthewNJ
      I love that you use Hermione for your avatar!
    3. Birdie
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  • My Story

    I am suffering from occasional TMS since childhood. With the beginning of adolescence TMS symptoms got worse over the years, starting with really severe pain in both feet in 1996. It's the most persevering symptom and since the onset of this pain I wasn't painfree for a single day and am not able to walk more than about half a mile. Over the time, as my life become more stressful, I developped more TMS symptoms like asthma, itching skin, piriformis syndrome, RSI in both arms, stiff ellbow and frozen shoulder to name some of them. I also developped fatique and flue-like symptoms like diffuse growing pain in both arms and legs and a sore throat and in the end was diagnosed with "fibro".
    Since last summer, when I googled some of my symptoms, I read about Sarno, purchased his book and finally found the TMS forums. I also read SteveO's book and emailed him what was very insightful for me. Although TMS is nearly unknown in Germany, I found two new German friends via these forums and am very glad about that!
    I have early trauma in my childhood and find it unlikely to recover very fast but I still noticed some small and very positive changes and that really makes me confident and hopefull about all that scary stuff I am dealing with since 2 decades! There're already small improvements as some of the fibro-related symptoms (feeling flue-like & growing pains) nearly disappeared, these were the newest symptoms. Even the asthma (which never was severe but caused me permanent cough so that I had to use an inhaler) and the itchy skin disappeared.
    But the symptome imperative is still active and since my piriformis syndrome improved and I am able to sit even longer my right arm got really worse to the point I can barely use it now.
    But knowing about TMS makes this journey even better because before I thought I suffered from some mysterious and crippling systemic illness! So knowing about TMS was the best thing that could actually happen to me!