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15 years of pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by shadowson, Dec 3, 2023.

  1. shadowson

    shadowson New Member

    I have worked with 3 TMS therapists and had zero results. I also use curable and do breathing and meditation exercises daily.

    no results.

    any ideas?
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hello @shadowson
    I think there are many reasons some folks with TMS may have prolonged journeys.
    a) a mix of attitude and “living in the mind” - the fear of really dealing with the psychological. It’s all a tms protective mechanism. I’m thinking of folks who face crippling anxiety or those who fully understand how TMS works but just can not use their heart to do this work.
    b) setting a timetable to be healed. Even the definition of “healed” varies in people’s minds. Dropping ALL expectations for some folks is showing self kindness and a needed psychological element.
    c) expecting others to heal us. Eg jumping from therapist to therapist looking for the answer. It is the same as looking for a medical “answer” except now you know you have tms. It’s still s form of resistance to doing the work, or having confidence that you can do this on your own. I most certainly fall in this, however I will also say that for some people who can’t “trust themselves” (eg find it hard to be brutally honest journaling etc) finding someone you can trust to help you with accepting your darkest or most resistant parts may be crucial.
    And some folks just need to stop trying so hard, continue with the “work” on their own 1/2 hr a day, keep doing things through the day like practicing outcome independence and taking breaks to check in with emotions and otherwise live life with the understanding that the reduction of physical symptoms is the side benefit of reducing stress, anxiety and finding more inner peace.
    Checking in on yourself with Dr.Schubiner’s 5 F’s can be helpful: https://mytmsjourney.com/resources/the-five-f-s-of-tms-mindset-retraining/ (The five 'F's of TMS mindset retraining)
    JanAtheCPA and shadowson like this.
  3. shadowson

    shadowson New Member

    Thanks. I appreciate your reply.

    I see myself in most of them BUT I have been doing this work for a few years now and seen no results. I don’t really have an option to give up because there’s no where else to go.

    thanks for the links
  4. Bonnard

    Bonnard Well known member

    Hello @shadowson ,

    I think the attempts you have made represent a small set of the tools/approaches available to try to deal with TMS-related pain.
    I don't mean that in any kind of negative way.

    It's just that I know (especially from reading posts here on the Forum) that TMS therapists are not for everyone. I think that's because the work is so personal and internal.
    So much internal education and acceptance has to happen. Then, there is the dynamic between therapist and client, etc.
    Something similar is true for the Curable app--works for many, but not for everyone.

    I bet that's true for most approaches.

    We are so fortunate to live in a time when there are so many resources available. So many talented people have built on the groundbreaking work of Dr. Sarno.
    I suggest trying some new methods. And, try hard not to let self-pity creep in. That's a corrosion that I struggle with, that can really set me back.
    Your experience can lend itself to self-pity. 15 years of pain is more than rough. And, seeing multiple therapists with no results--same thing.

    Be careful with that judgment that you've had no results. The pain may still be there. BUT, maybe you've had some internal re-conditioning that has set you up for the next step where you achieve success with letting go of the pain. It's definitely a process. And, realizations/learning/steps along the way build into something substantial.

    I wish you well!!
    shadowson likes this.
  5. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Bonnard is right on here, and also more tactful than I am, because I will go a step further and suggest that you consider whether victimhood plays a role in your life, your symptoms, and your attempts at treatment.

    @Cactusflower brought up Resistance, which is the first thing that also came to my mind.

    It's just that I've seen resistance and victimhood going hand in hand too many times over the 12 years that I've been reading and responding to Forum posts. Food for thought (or for writing, or for discussion in therapy, perhaps).
    shadowson and Bonnard like this.

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