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abdominal bloated and oab/ic

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Jakobsenhz, Dec 11, 2024.

  1. Jakobsenhz

    Jakobsenhz Newcomer

    26 years male.
    I been having problems with my stomach and bladder for 2 years now.
    It started as overactive bladder but became pain in bladder area with frequency (20-30) times a day.
    Then soon after i became really bloated. And started to have constipation. My stomach became really distension and hard 10-20 mins after eating. And it's not like sometimes it happens. It's alwas bloated 24/7. The only thing that would make it go away, was getting it out again. But then 10 mins after if i eat something i would be stock bloated until the food was out again. It's the feeling that all my organs was pushed down to my pelvic/bladder area. I also had a hard time breathing. Was like my diaphragm was stock everytime i eat, and became unstock when i could go to the toilet. I have tried many different types of diet but nerver did anything. The type of food nerver did anything, it was more the volume of it. That is what's so frustrated about it. I've seen a lot of people get better if they eat low foodmap. The same thing goes for drinking cola and stuff like that. I nerver had problems with it. It's like there is not enough space for my organs so they are pushed down idk....
    I have had all type of tests done to my bladder and stomach. Nothing has been found.
    Could this be Tms. Cause i feel like its more about bad coordination between stomach and diaphragm but idk.
    I dont even know how to get help for this problem. The bloat just wont go away. It's been 2 years now. My stomach alwas been flat.
    I posted some pictures, i might not look so bloated to you, but im really well trained. And have alwas had flat stomach.
    has anyone had similar symptoms? and was it Tms?

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2024
  2. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    Hi Jacobsenhz. You'd had tests done and doctors have told you there's nothing wrong with you. Keep in mind we're not medical professionals and can't diagnose you so I recommend removing the pictures, (especially for your safety).

    TMS symptoms can become creative depending on each person. Your mind is preoccupied/obsessed with them for 2 years. What do you know about TMS? Have you read a Dr. Sarno book?
    Ellen and JanAtheCPA like this.
  3. Jakobsenhz

    Jakobsenhz Newcomer

    I have heard of the book. But it does not come in danish. And my reading in english is not the best.
    Do you know if there is other books like that but in danish :)
    I have a understanding about TMS. But i just dont know how to get started. I know there is different kinds of methods one could use. I just have hard time knowing what to do. What should i feel, and how do i feel and so on. I might be overthinking it.

    Attached Files:

  4. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    I'm having trouble finding Dr. Sarno's books in Danish. But that's okay. I wouldn't get caught up on it.

    There's different things you can start with. I would recommend you start with the Structured Educational Program offered free through this site. You can see how things go and branch out into different avenues. The activities are mostly focused on writing which you can do in Danish.

    Also, it's normal to be overthinking everything at the beginning. Cut yourself some slack. Just pick one thing and commit it to it.
    Ellen and JanAtheCPA like this.

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