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Acute injuries and tms

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by NameK, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    So recently this past Saturday I injured my shoulder playing golf. I might have injured the week before but it was fine after a week so i decided to play and now I wish I would have waited.

    Now I either did it from over extending on my back swing or from hitting into the ground hard and pushing through. Or maybe it's from the repetitive motion as I have been golfing alot recently.

    My shoulder has been in pain at resting and when I do certain movements.

    So of course I did what most people would do and saw my doctor who referred me to a pshyiotherapist to look at it properly.

    From what they said I have full range of motion and it's looking like a grade 1 sprain in the supraspinatus muscle

    But of course my anxiety and what not has me thinking it's worse and could be a grade 2 (partial or 3 full tear).

    But what is the case for muscle tears with regards to tms considering atleast in the shoulder it won't really repair itself if it's a 2 or 3. I know there are people who don't get surgery and they are fine without but everyone is different.

    My dad has had shoulder surgery because his was a complete tear and he couldnt lift his shoulder past 90 degrees and his other one needs to becuase he was in a bad motorcycle accident recnetly

    I know all I can really do is wait it out and rest for 4-6weeks and see how it is then. In still working with it in pain but what else can I do.

    I was proud of myself not pacing and asking to get a mri asap but where I live I would probably be waiting anywhere from 6 months to a year to get one anyways and of my doctor doesn't think it's needed why get it.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2024
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    A grade 1 is not a tear nor is it acute. Heals on its own.
    Utilize your TMS skills, read Claire Weekes for your anxiety and halt the freak out. That solves nothing.
    There is nothing at all for you to solve or fix.
    Focus on your emotional reaction and take the opportunity to learn to move from reacting to responding to situations like this. You need to let your nervous system do its job moving through its phases and by a freak out, it will default to fight/flight/freeze.
    Why not journal about your current stressors and fears to help put this into perspective.
  3. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    As far as I know it is only a grade 1 but I have not had a xray, ultrasound or mri but as long as it's okay by 4-6 weeks then I won't need one. although the pain is quite bad but it did only happen a few days ago.

    I'm just alittle worried because I'm getting pain even when resting and I've been working still and my job is somewhat pshyical so it doesn't help.

    It just really sucks that I cannot golf until it's healed either but then again that is what caused it in the first place.

    I will definitely be Journaling tonight not about the injury per say but everything else that is going on.

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