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Alternative to Dr. Gwozdz for second opinion

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by lyonsden10, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. lyonsden10

    lyonsden10 New Member

    I've definitely got TMS and have successfully resolved numerous symptoms since 2017. But I'm confused about whether my current right hip MRI/pain/diagnosis is structural or TMS. After researching this site, I've come to believe that Dr. Gwozdz is the best person to see.

    But I just called and they only do this in person. I'm in Florida and it's not financially feasible for me to make this trip. If anyone does know another excellent TMS doctor like Dr. Gwozdz who will do a virtual consultation, I'd appreciate it.

    In 2020, I successfully eliminated left hip pain using the TMS mindset (and other symptoms as well since 2017). In that case, the MRI showed no damage. Now, I have a worse situation in my right hip and the MRI shows fracture and bone on bone arthritis and more.

    I fully believed my situation was TMS for over six months. But despite increasing activity no matter how bad it hurt (channeling Steve Ozanich on page 115 of the Kindle edition of TGPD: "As I started down my driveway, I slammed my foot down into the cement as hard as I could slam it."), I was in agonizing pain and could barely walk. (Yes, during the six months, there was definitely severe emotional rage going on but I thought I was facing/feeling it.)

    I recently posted about my right hip situation (https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/confused-about-bone-on-bone-hip-and-tms.27819/#post-143978 (Confused about Bone on Bone Hip and TMS)).

    I really do need some external confirmation that this is TMS.

    Thanks for your help.

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2024
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    lyonsden10 likes this.
  3. lyonsden10

    lyonsden10 New Member

    Thank you, Cactusflower. I really appreciate your feedback.
  4. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    I believe Dr. Howard Schubiner is doing long distance consults now. Good luck.
    lyonsden10 likes this.
  5. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I consulted with David Schecter MD by video after I was diagnosed with RA in 2020. I uploaded my medical records from Kaiser and self-paid.

    I think I've heard that David Hanscom MD will do virtual consults - he was a spine surgeon in Seattle before turning his career exclusively to mindbody recovery (see About Our Work and Stress Reduction - The DOC Journey)

    @Cactusflower, the PPDAssociation directory resource now starts here with a good disclaimer page: Directory Disclaimer — Psychophysiologic Disorders Association (ppdassociation.org) I found it under the Patients menu tab. It's pretty up-to-date - not much more than a year ago my California-based LCSW said she was having a hard time getting listed, but she's there now.
    lyonsden10 likes this.
  6. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Until recently there were tabs for various types of practitioners. They only seem to list coaches and psychotherapists now.
    lyonsden10 likes this.
  7. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Nope! It's just very different groupings now.

    If you're looking for a particular name, just do a browser search (Ctrl-F on Windows), eg: "Hanscom" and you'll find two hits. He's listed once under Washington, and again under Virtual. My California-based LCSW is also listed in both places. I couldn't find Dr. Gwozdz on the page at all.

    The primary directory is by location, which lists all the types of practitioners without regard to designations or certifications, alphabetically within each location, starting with the US states, then by country. Our own Andy Bayliss is on the list! Maybe you were looking at a section that just didn't have any MDs from that section of the alphabet, or maybe at a state or country without any MDs. Weirdly, the entire state of Wisconsin only has MDs listed, no alternative certifications.

    The last location entry is the UK. After that there is a section titled "Remote Practitioners" (alphabetical) which I guess is practitioners who don't see anyone in person. It's followed by another section titled "Virtual" which is also alpha, but it only has brief names linked to the complete listing above or sometimes a full bio page) and everyone on that list has a complete listing by location or "remote".
    lyonsden10 likes this.

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