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Always feeling thristy ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by NameK, Sep 15, 2024.

  1. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    So for the past 3 or 4 days, I've had this constant feeling of being thristy with a dry mouth and irritated throat despite drinking enough water. Also ive been experiencing headaches and fatigue with nasal congestion as well.

    which, in turn, is causing me to pee more often because I'm drinking more water than I usually do.

    My girlfriend has been experiencing the same symptoms as well, so perhaps it could be a cold or flu we are fighting off or weather change?

    I am going to vist my doctor and request a blood test for diabetes which I'm convinced and terrified I have

    Despite being 29 and being at a healthy weight maybe even alittle under I've always had a fast metabolism.

    I've been getting hungry more often as well, but I am also not eating as much because I've been so anxious these past few days, and I haven't been sleeping great either.

    I know tms can have some pretty odd and weird symptoms but I am not sure about these ones.

    I will report back once I get my blood work done/ the results so probably later on the week but I am nervous.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    You need to use your common sense in cases like this and recognize that perhaps the symptoms aren't TMS but you are sure TMS-ing over them. What good is freaking out, being nervous about them, obsessing, running away with absolutely unfounded worries and worst case sinareos going to do? Feed the beast. It feeds the beast.
    Now is the time to put your TMS knowledge into action and confront your fear and possible anger about something "invading" your safe space and really create a safe space for yourself. If you let your mind run off at every little sniffle and extra pee, then my friend, you have more work to do.

    Frankly we aren't really interested in your blood work and your lab tests. We're here to help you handle the freak-out, not the symptoms, or illness or anything else. Those are totally just the side effect of your inner workings.

    Common sense tells me if your gf is experiencing similar symptoms then you probably have a little bug of some kind.

    However, this situation should be an indication of the work that you can do to stop this cycle of heightened reaction in it's tracks in the future.
  3. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    It's unfortunately a on and off issue ivr had since I was a teenager.

    Ironically enough my first symptom was frequent urination which resolved after a period of time but then it was on to the next thing to worry about until I got better for awhile.

    Then of course when my life got stressful it came back and it was around that time I started to experience (didn't know at the time ) tms symptoms.

    I have resolved quite abit of them over the past few Yeats while others unfortunately have stuck around.

    I need to learn to gey out of these ruts and learn to handle my stress and symptoms better based off my reaction

    Your absolutely right me freaking out won't do any good expect make me worried sick. I need to figure out why I do this.
  4. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Frequent urination is not an uncommon symptom
    Of severe anxiety.
  5. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    A sound decision to get yourself checked out for diabetes etc., before assuming that all of your symptoms are TMS.

    As Cactusflower says though, we're not in the business here of discussing medical symptoms and tests etc. However, with regard to you worrying about diabetes, bear in mind the following:
    My mother became a type 2 insulin dependent diabetic in her 40s and one of her symptoms of that was undue overwhelmingly profound tiredness (she was sleeping her life away before she was diagnosed, and that was despite feeling anxious regarding she might have diabetes) so "not sleeping great" isn't usually consistent with diabetes.

    Also, type 2 diabetes can often be stopped in its tracks with the right diet and losing some weight (to reduce internal body fat even if you're the right weight for your height or even a bit on the skinny side). I say this because my father also had type 2 diabetes and he took no medication for it because he altered his diet which completely normalised his blood sugar levels. Additionally, frequent urination does not usually resolve itself if it's due to diabetes.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2024
  6. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    For me its been the always being hungry/ thristy I've noticed recently the past 3 to 4 days that's been bugging me. The fatigue thing is probably more to do with lack of sleep.

    but I know anxiety can do some weird things if its bad enough of course I am going to speak to my doctor and get tested before I assume anything tms related though.

    Unfortunately she is not back until next week so I guess I am going to have to wait.

    Of course my gf and family think I'm overreacting (I have a really bad health anxiety track record unfortunately) so I guess it's understandable until it is something which h I'm hoping it's not.
  7. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Once again, we’re here to support you in your mental and emotional journey to end your health anxiety.
    The question might be why do you feel the need to cling to it, and to obsess on it. Yes it’s a good idea to get checked out but learning how to retain your peace of mind during these times is what TMS work is all about.
    BloodMoon likes this.
  8. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    Figured I would give a update on my situation tms wise

    So the good news is my lab work came back normal

    Now looking at my tms symptoms I was perhaps having in fact may have actually been symptoms of covid (I tested negative) but I know some confirmed cases gave been going around my work.

    Or it was just tms symptoms playing tricks on me but I think I know what I was avoiding emotionally to cause them.
  9. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Three to four days of vague symptoms that could easily and obviously be provoked by anxiety? This is nothing. You're obviously not having a heart attack, stroke, or embolism. Although now that I've mentioned those, what do you want to bet your next panic attack will emulate one of them?

    Our bodies are constantly exposed to invaders, and our immune systems were designed to fight them off. Sometimes, we can be aware of this process going on. This is why getting a response to a vaccine, for example, is a good thing! It tells you that the vaccine and your immune system are doing what they're supposed to do. It is completely normal to become more aware of these things as we get older. That's just part of life and living.

    Get a grip, @NameK! You are letting your primitive TMS brain control you!

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