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Anorexia and TMS

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by tarakiyo, Dec 10, 2023.

  1. tarakiyo

    tarakiyo Newcomer

    Hi all! I'm new to this thread and fairly new to TMS in general but have come to accept it as my likely diagnosis. I have had pain in one area or another from probably age 16 to now (34). My pain has come on unexpectedly or in ways that didn't really make sense 90% of the time and was unresponsive to physical therapy. I have also had gut issues and allergies. I fit the type "T" personality almost exactly - perfectionistic, highly responsible and self critical, anxious and obsessive. I am extremely obsessive and anxious over my pain and spent years and years looking for the cause and a possible fix to all of my "injuries." I bought every gadget, tried all the acupunture, chiropractic, gut healing routines, supplements, massage, red light etc. You name it I tried it.

    The reason doctors gave me for my being unresponsive to treatment, and the one thing holding me back from fully accepting TMS as a diagnosis, is the fact that I developed anorexia at the age of 12 and have been battling an eating disorder for 22 years in some form or another. For a lot of years this looked like overexercise so it was assumed that I was overusing my body and creating injury. Then when I wasn't exercising as much it was assumed that I was nutrient deficient in some form or another.

    I am now at the healthiest weight I have been in years (2 lbs under what would be considered "normal" on the BMI calculator) and my blood panels all look good, but this year I noticed that my pain levels and obsession went up in almost direct correlation with my weight. I thought for sure that once I got to a healthy weight that the pain would go away but that has been anything but the case. I also struggle with pushing myself to move more because I think part of me feels like overuse is what caused all of my problems.

    I still don't know if eating disorders can cause physical pain or injuries and I can't find a doctor who can definitively tell me what's going on. Does anyone have any thoughts?
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    TMS and Anorexia are not considered the same thing, but the mechanisms behind both are psychological and often have to do with core beliefs, personality traits and learned thought and behavior patterns and the need for control to create a sense of safety.
    Dorado likes this.

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