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Anxiety or Tms

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Drewson, Oct 18, 2023.

  1. Drewson

    Drewson Newcomer

    I have always had anxiety 4 years ago I was super stressed my accountant had prostrate cancer and every time I contacted him would tell me about it. And what tests examinations ect was going on
    I was stressed one day I also have shy bladder and I started to question if my prostrate was ok.
    I got online googling the symptoms and then out of the blue I felt the need to pee more often. I went to the doctor's they gave me a urin test and it was an all clear
    I went home continued to google the symptoms of prostate cancer and then started to get weird sensations sometimes in penis at bace sometimes in balls also the feeling of wanting to pee started to keep me up at night.
    Kind of weird tingling vibration I wouldn't say pain in balls and penis and my Biffins bridge ect all felt weird
    I was fearful
    Back to the doctor's again now getting PSA test and prostate examinations
    All come back good
    Felt some relief but then I stumbled on ccps.
    Ok I was out of the woods with cancer but have I got this prostatitis the googling kept going.
    And so did the symptoms they got more I couldn't believe anxiety could induce theses sensations it must have been ccps? Constant feeling of wanting to pee but couldn't go or sometimes going a lot
    My mind was constantly monitoring what sensations or feelings I'm having so cheeking in all the time. I could not leave it alone
    I went to a dark place constant worries and sensations lack of sleep then Someone said anxiety is a chameleon and it was getting me another way and I managed to except it's was not ccps but anxiety. And I got out of it for 4 years
    Then last year again stressed I woke up in the night need to pee more than usual started to question it and it came back only for a few weeks I remember waching new top gun movie just checking in again on how my penis and balls were feeling and the needing to pee sensation all back
    I must of got my mind of it quick because it left me in under 2 weeks gone .
    Untill a year later 4 weeks ago stressed out and fucked off with a family holiday I got really mad and also waching horrible videos about the Russian and ukrain war didn't help my metal state.
    Again like clock work I woke up throughout the night probably peed more than normal
    My brain didn't think too much
    Then that day I got my hair cut sat in the chair in the barbers needed to pee straight away.
    So I said to the guy can I just go toilet
    I got in there locked myself in tried to piss nothing came out.
    Omg an overwhelming need to pee but can't go so just sat back in the chair
    The sensations left me whilst getting my hair cut
    Later in the next day another stressful event at a family BBQ again had that feeling to pee but could not go again
    That was then the catalyst to my brain questioning my heath and ccps
    Then Boom all the symptoms back
    From 4 years ago
    Weird sensations throughout my groin
    Not really pain
    A vibrating and light feeling that moves around
    And weird need to pee
    But I'm back montering it constantly cheeking in on theses symptoms
    Where do I feel them have they gone ect
    This has also led on to internal body vibrations in the night and waves of anxiety crashing over me.
    I feel down again
    No pain with erections or in my ass or when I ejaculate or poop like ccps
    Just uncomfortable sensations that move around and increase and decreases
    Peeing is being monitored too sometimes it's easy sometimes it's hard to go its weird
    But this is my 3rd time here
    So is this Just anxiety or ccps or Tms?
    Thanks for any feed back
  2. fridaynotes

    fridaynotes Well known member

    woah. i can 100% relate to this. and from my experience i can say this all sounds like classic TMS brought on by anxiety making your subconscious (body) disregulate your nervous system.
  3. Drewson

    Drewson Newcomer

    Yeah the first time I had it it was hell because I don't think I could accept it was anxiety I was just a mess
    The second time I can't even remember how I got out of it. It left me as quick as it came
    This time I have got on with life I'm following up with a PSA test and bloods and prostate exam my doctor said just to help keep your mind at ease and then it's more evidence I'm fine
    It's the googling trying to fix the problem looking at what supplements and pelvic floor exercises to do
    The anxiety channels on YouTube and Reddit
    Constantly checking it to your penis and balls to see if you have the sensation
    Theses are the things keeping us here
    Think to yourself we both got better from this before and we can do it again
    It was reading horror stories about people that had prostatitis that got me here and probable did you too
    We just need some let up stop all those bad habits we just have sensations caused by anxiety and it manifest on our groin
    You must have had some times where you were engrossed in something and then it left ? It then only popped back when you started to scan for the feeling
    We both just need to get our minds of the sensation and the fear of having to live with it forever and trying to fix it
    Easier said than don but we are lucky we have both gotten over it twice before

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