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Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by SEB T F 59, Jan 5, 2024.

  1. SEB T F 59

    SEB T F 59 New Member

    bonjour tout le monde,

    j'essaie de suivre le programme mais je n'y arrive pas, je suis constamment connecté à ma douleur (j'ai une fasciite plantaire depuis 4 ans) et elle est insupportable.
    Depuis quelques jours, le médecin m'a prescrit un anxiolytique, le brenazopam, et ça va mieux : un peu à l'ouest mais moins d'anxieté, de la fatigue naturellement mais surtout une baisse importante de la douleur.
    qu'est ce que cela signifie ? tous les médicaments essayés avant, analgésiques de niveau 1 et 2, CBD, ... rien n'avait marché et un anxiolytique est apparemment efficace.

    Qu'en pensez-vous ?


  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hello @SEB T F 59
    High anxiety can actually make your brain sense the pain more. When you are anxious you are hyper vigilant. The nervous system is on high alert.
    Many people need to take anxiety medications while doing TMS work. For you it is already taking the edge off, and maybe doing the TMS work will be a bit easier for you.
    Working with the fear takes time, and is an indication that you simply need to keep reminding yourself that TMS is psychological, and that all the pain, fear and anxiety are simply there to distract you from the emotional hurt.
    Be kind to yourself. Know that you are on a good path and to be patient. Be as kind to your own self as you are to others. Slow down and try to recognize self-pressure.
    Find some things in your life you love and do them! Create a balance. It is the start.
    Ellen likes this.
  3. SEB T F 59

    SEB T F 59 New Member

    Merci pour ta réponse ; j'étais anxieux d'être anxieux (à l'idée de devoir prendre des anxiolytiques qui me font du bien même s'ils me fatiguent)
  4. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  5. Bonnard

    Bonnard Well known member

    @SEB T F 59
    You CAN do this work and it becomes even more important when the pain is constantly with you.
    Over-thinking this is just one more part of it. Being anxious about taking medication for anxiety means that the brain has you stuck and distracted and not focusing on the psychological and repressed emotions, etc.

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