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any reasons why I feel mentally exhausted?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by stevow7, Jun 7, 2022.

  1. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    I have been feeling mentally exhausted for years now and I don’t know why. I can sleep for 8 hours and wake up needing another nap in the day and feeling so mentally exhausted that it’s extremely hard to think straight. I lower the head because its heavy. My body feels heavy.

    I’m with two therapist I take zoloft 100 mg and have ocd.

    I feel like I’m in a bubble and shut down without much energy. Idk what to do. need help.

    I’m 6’1””-2”” and weight 157.5. could it be my weight?

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  2. cain aven

    cain aven Peer Supporter

    Stress and anxiety are exhausting. Your brain is consuming energy even when you're not aware of what it's doing.
    I've had to work on my energy levels as I've gotten older. Eating healthy foods. Exercising. Getting enough sleep. The last is the hardest for me (6 hours average) so I'm quitting caffeine next up.

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