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Anyone haves problem waking up to urinate?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by stevow7, Dec 24, 2024.

  1. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    I wake up about 3 times a night and have been for a very long time. I tried ignoring it but it still happening.

    Sleep apnea test went negative
  2. Mike46

    Mike46 New Member

    It could be a lot of different things. Go get checked out, but yea this is a common TMS symptom.
    stevow7 likes this.
  3. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    As Mike46, yes, frequent urination is a common TMS symptom. I remember when I was applying for a job in the Silicon Valley I had to carry a bottle with me in the car. Then, no job, no frequent urination. A very common stress symptom in all mammals too. Check it out if you're worried, but I bet you're just nervous about something or other, or afraid more likely. Actually having to work probably filled me with fear!
    stevow7, TG957 and HealingMe like this.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    It's your OCD brain, @stevow7, giving you another benign symptom to worry about instead of uncovering the trauma that your brain wants to keep fully repressed.

    Your brain believes that becoming emotionally vulnerable is literally dangerous to your survival. Getting up to pee several times every night is completely harmless, but it is a great distraction.

    This is OCD in action.
    BruceMC, Clover and stevow7 like this.
  5. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    You should not ignore it but rather tell your brain to calm down because it is all TMS and then try to go back to sleep. You need to face it, not ignore.
    stevow7 likes this.
  6. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    Fear. How do you stop fear? I have ocd and even with treatment I feel fear every day
  7. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    Gotchu. Yeah sorry about the ocd. Gotta push through it. It’s just that the thoughts comes and even without paying attention to them they keep being in the background
  8. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    Thanks for the tip. I see what you mean

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