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Are post drug syndromes possibly TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by healingsteps, Aug 16, 2024.

  1. healingsteps

    healingsteps New Member

    I apologize if I am posting this in the wrong section, I am new to the forums and I wasn't sure where it would fit best.

    About a year ago I took a moderate dose of some MDMA (molly, ecstasy, etc) at a festival. It was my first time doing any substance like this. I had a good experience during the "trip" but then after I had a panic attack and thought I was going to overdose or die. I ended up being fine but after this happened I started having a bunch of symptoms like anxiety, depression, inflammation, and these electric zaps and tingles through my body. I started worrying I had damaged my brain or something and I started going to all sorts of doctors and getting a bunch of tests. Nothing serious came back besides low hormones and stuff. I even got brain imaging scans like an MRI and CT scan. I found communities online with similar people who had had these sorts of post drug conditions, sometimes after taking a normal dose of a drug one time, for example post SSRI dysfunction, post finasteride, etc. I started really worrying that I have ruined my life or I have some major problem and going down all these rabbit holes. Then I came across TMS, and Dr. Sarno. I am wondering now if all my symptoms are coming from a dysregulated nervous system. But I can't seem to put my trust into it enough to do the work. Part of me still questions everyday if something is wrong. I keep going back and forth between accepting that my mind is the problem, and then I fall down rabbit holes and look into my body for answers again. I feel so hopeless as its been almost a year now and my life feels completely lost. I was just posting to see if anyone has some advice for me or has been in a similar situation with these post-drug syndromes and recovered using a TMS strategy. Thank you for reading.
  2. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Welcome longtermcomedown

    I have not had direct experience with this, but

    Drug experiences like MDMA bring up unconscious material, or they can. That is, as the veils drop, the stuff below can tend to emerge, and so symptoms might come up ---as a way to avoid the full awareness of what is emerging. This can be true with meditation experiences too. Deep, unusual positive experiences tend to bring up the barriers to our full awareness as a way of bringing forth more long term truth and awareness in our lives. So you might find using the TMS approach emotionally will help you digest what "wants to be seen."

    If there was some kind of negative adverse reaction based on the chemistry of the drug experience, then, as with other physical trauma, the symptoms can become "stuck" even though they are not being generated by anything acute or physical or chemical in the now. The symptoms may continue and feel very believable especially if you're afraid and looking for ways to treat them. This is a common TMS pattern as you may know. A fair portion of the population is prone to this.

    Good luck in your work. Taking a deep dive into the TMS approach probably can't hurt, and may be life-changing for you. Most of us have to dive in before being completely convinced. And many of the techniques will simply help you feel better in the moment like treating yourself well and disengaging from self-pressure --including the pressure to succeed quickly at getting better.

    JanAtheCPA and Ellen like this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    100% what Andy says, @longtermcomedown. That was also my first thought, which is that the MDMA, which as you know was being considered for legally sanctioned therapeutic use, has as one of its effects the ability to open an individual up to emotional vulnerability, preferably with supervision, LOL. It sure seems like it did exactly what has been observed in therapeutic settings. The problem you encountered is that emotional vulnerability can be rather terrifying to quite a number of people, and when it is experienced outside of a qualified therapeutic setting, our primitive fearful brains are going to shut that right down.

    So look, doing this work is much gentler, and much slower than taking a dose of MDMA. We have two programs, which are both free and don't even require any kind of registration, and they are integrated with this forum so that you can keep asking questions. 100% belief is not needed to start the programs, because they're designed for people to learn and grow their belief as they keep learning.

    The ultimate question you have to ask yourself is, What have you got to lose? The answer to that is: nothing. Another question might be, Do you deserve to treat yourself with kindness and compassion, and do you deserve to recover? I hope that you are willing to answer Yes to those. When you can do that, find our Structured Educational Program on the main TMSwiki.org site.

    We're here to support you!
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    PS, @longtermcomedown - before you get too far into this, assuming you want to stick around, might I suggest you come up with a more neutral username - one that is not a reflection of your current negativity? I've seen people regret negative names eventually, but our policy is that a name can't be changed on the same account after a certain amount of time or more than a post or two.

    Shorter would also be nice, TBH.

    So this is a limited time offer. I can change your name for you - just DM me (using the Private Conversation feature). I'll tell you how we coordinate it (it's easy).
  5. healingsteps

    healingsteps New Member

    Thank you so much for your reply to me. I messaged you about the username change. Right now I am doing a program called Primal Trust which uses a lot of techniques from Dr. Sarno and other mind-body doctors. I will also look into the free information you posted too.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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