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Arrhythmia/palpitations and hearing loss

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by jnomadik, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. jnomadik

    jnomadik Newcomer

    Hey there. I’m new to this forum but I seriously need the advice of you amazing people because I’m only 25 and I’m met with a whole host of symptoms that truly scare the life out of me but my doctors don’t seem interested at all. I’ve been to a cardiologist, had my blood tests and they say I’m fine but I’m met with these almost constant arrhythmias and palpitations that have made me scared to get out of bed in the mornings.

    up until last year I was working out heavily and gaining much size and strength but I’d have the occasional palpitations but they were nothing too worrisome. Until I got covid. Ever since I got COVID last year I’ve been getting these POTS like symptoms coupled with my heart going out of sync and racing at the slightest movement even if I think negatively my heart will race. My anxiety has seriously gone through the roof!

    I’ve noticed there will be times when I’m completely fine and distracted with something practical but as soon as I’m left to my own thoughts all the symptoms start up again it’s like a cycle I can’t break. I’ve been to the ER numerous times and they keep sending me home saying bloods look fine.

    I can’t even work out anymore because the journey to the gym builds up these feelings of anxiety to when I actually start lifting the weights my heart will beat erratically and my adrenaline will be pounding my heart before I’ve even lifted a finger! I also have pretty bad tinnitus but it comes and goes however today I had the scariest thing happen. The hearing In my right ear became muffled all of a sudden. I could still hear but things sounded like they were leaning more to my left ear and it made me PANIC so much! I thought I was youth deaf. I’ve had this before but it comes and goes. It may be a TMS distraction but I truly don’t know. Does anyone else experience these??

    It’s hard to live life because It’s made me hyper vigilant to my pulse and to the when the next palpitation is gonna start and now it only takes me thinking of it happening for it to actually happen. Someone please give me some peace of mind here because I feel like I’m going crazy is it normal for symptoms to leave and come back a week later because I feel like that’s what it does. It gives me respite and then comes back with a vengeance
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

  3. RSP

    RSP New Member

    hi, ... misery loves company: i am very much experiencing the same thing (33 M). I was an ultra distance runner and in Nov 22 caught covid (mild). About a month after recovery, stabbing chest pain sent me to the ER. Got a ER work up to rule everything out and then a follow up with PCP, which led to a full cardiologist work up (echo, stress test, ECGs, multiple heart monitors, etc). All clear. Through the year, I have also been much more susceptible to colds/flus, had bouts of bad gastro issues, head congestion, ear pain, blurry vision, and back pain!

    Despite there being nothing wrong with the heart, one year later I am still having on/off chest discomfort and get very notable heart palpitations and autonomic dysfunction symptoms. It had ground me to a halt - anything physical has me taking it very cautious or I avoid it. On the worst days, I've hauled myself back to ER - always to do bloods, ECG,chest x ray and then discharged and left feeling guilty for tieing up a bed. Same situation as you - ill have a great week or two, then get hit with a wave of symptoms.

    I'm working now with a naturopath on the immune and gut issues (successfully fixing those) and a therapist to help work on the anxiety. Im hoping to also find help through addressing TMS. Id say, on average, I am 75% of what I once was. But a few months ago, I was under 50%.

    Researching long term effects of Covid is a dark rabbit hole to go down; we can have ourselves convinced we have something... and dozens of doctors are scrambling to come out with "possible" diagnostics, like POTS.

    In longer discussions with my cardiologist, she assures me the diagnostics (same as for you) would have certainly picked up any issues. I can spiral easily into serious health anxiety and need to walk myself back from it. Avoid Dr Google or Dr Reddit.

    In hind sight, I was burnt out at the time it all started when my partner suffered a major injury and we were having some relationship issues. I likely tweaked a muscle (original chest pain) and then convinced I had a blood clot or major heart issue and haven't been able to unwire that connection yet.

    This is a very difficult journey, but I have hope we will recover fully and regain our past lives!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  4. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I am not a physician, so I can’t claim any authority on this, but here is a true story. I consulted a 63-year old woman with CRPS (you can google it, it is a severe TMS condition). However, for her constant heart palpitations and panic attacks were even worse than CRPS. She was home-bound and couldn't evendo laundry. It took me a few months to convince her to start a serious meditation practice, because she didn't believe in it. 6 months later, she was symptoms-free for weeks at a time, with occasional flair -up, and optimistic that she can fully control it.

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