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Autoimmune disorders

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by GotMittUns, Jul 6, 2024.

  1. GotMittUns

    GotMittUns Newcomer

    I know someone that was diagnosed with anti Synthetase syndrome with Dermatomyositis. Is that something that could be helped with TMS work?
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    We're not medical professionals here, just a group of people who have healed from all kinds of physical ailments as well as anxiety by embracing the mindbody model proposed by John Sarno MD. There is more information on the main TMSWiki.org website.

    I can say this much: the medical community has been assigning "syndrome" designations to a lot of physical conditions in the last couple of decades, but these labels only ever describe the symptoms. This is because the medical-industrial complex has been unable to identify any underlying pathology for these symptoms. And without an underlying pathology, they also are unable to provide any treatment beyond short-term symptom mitigation.

    These are the conditions that are typically helped by the mindbody theory that Dr Sarno labeled TMS.
    TG957, BruceMC and Maggsie like this.
  3. GotMittUns

    GotMittUns Newcomer

    Jan, I totally agree. Unfortunately our medical system is not geared towards helping people heal. No doubt TMS/PPD is at play here. Was hoping to see if someone had direct experience with these conditions. Then I could present it with a success story. Instead just approaching it with success stories from autoimmune disorders may he the way to go.
  4. louaci

    louaci New Member

    On a side note, my partner who has very deep understanding of pathology applied Dr. Sarno's principles to get rid of back pain, neck pain, allergies to grass, cats, rabbits, poison ivy, constant colds, gastrointestinal intolerance of beef, etc. He demonstrated the power of knowledge. However, he would not recommend people rubbing poison ivy on their arms just for trial. He did and no rashes at all. He also buried his face into cats without any problems, while previously he would have stuffy nose and watery eyes even in a room where a cat used to be raised but not present. I wouldn't believe it if I didn't witness it.

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