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Autoimmune/ TMS: positive ANA, no symptoms

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by lizardann, Apr 29, 2024.

  1. lizardann

    lizardann Newcomer

    Hello everyone!

    I’ve been learning about TMS after my dad’s chronic back pain healed about 5 years ago from Sarno’s techniques. My dad and I are very similar personality-wise: anxious, perfectionists, people-pleasers who tend to repress emotions. So I’ve had some success with TMS theories in helping my chest pain, headaches, muscle pain, etc.

    However, I recently did an extensive blood test at the doctors due to some vague symptoms like headaches and dizziness, and the doctor decided to test for autoimmune diseases as well just because I have had Raynaud’s since I was 14 (about 10 years). I ended up getting a very high ANA titer (1:1280) which is indicative of autoimmune diseases like lupus or scleroderma or Sjogrens, but I really have none of those symptoms. Or, at least I didn’t have any at the time; now in the few days after reading up on symptoms of autoimmune diseases, I’ve noticed a lot of joint pain and shortness of breath and even nail pain—so weird! I am really convinced that these suddenly appearing symptoms are somaticized, because they only started happening after I read about them.
    Has anyone else had a similar experience, or have any insights about TMS and autoimmune diseases? I’ve researched it a bit, and I realize that a positive ANA alone doesn’t mean I have any particular autoimmune disease, but I’m still super worried.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

  3. AlexandraJ99

    AlexandraJ99 New Member

    Watch this video!!!

    BloodMoon likes this.

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