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Big disc herniation - not TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by erianm, Aug 9, 2024.

  1. erianm

    erianm Newcomer

    On other forum I have found person who wrote this :

    "Maybe its a good idea (if feasible) to get a new MRI to fully confirm that abnormalities are still within the "normal abnormality" range? That could help solidify trust that the pain is mind-body? I suggest this because I approached my sciatic nerve pain as a TMS situation without an MRI, I tried to ignore the pain and move around for a bit without fear, as a result I made it worse. An ER visit and MRI confirmed that I have a very large herniation that needs surgery. I'm not poopooing the TMS concept at all though, I think I experience it in other ways a lot. I worry that sometimes people (like me) jump feet first into it without a proper investigation with a doctor first. Best of luck!!"

    I have mild herniation, but also got scared after reading something like this. Is it possible, that some bigger herniations are not TMS and are structural problems? How big must be disc bugle or herniation to not be TMS?

    And what if herniation is getting worse over time even with TMS approach? Thanks.
  2. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    It's normal to have occasional fears as you embark on treating your symptoms as TMS. However, you have been told you have a mild herniation and you should focus on that fact. There are a multitude of bad things that can happen to the human body, but focusing on that will send you into a fear spiral. Focus on the reality of your situation. You have TMS. It is possible to recover from TMS. I suggest reading Success Stories to help inspire optimism. Journal about your fears, but then destroy the writing as it does not reflect the truth that is present in the here and now.

    Good luck on your recovery journey.
    Diana-M likes this.
  3. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    I think Sarno said all herniations don’t pinch on nerves. It doesn’t even make sense. Doctors use disks to rationalize surgery and promise healing because they don’t have an answer for TMS. They don’t even acknowledge TMS. Read about it in Healing Back Pain, by John Sarno.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    The website and program Back in Control was developed by a spine surgeon who abandoned his practice after developing his program which is 100% TMS/MBS based. He was able to get 40% of his pre-surgery clients to do the program, ultimately canceling their surgeries, which is when he decided to give up spine surgery for good. Just search "David Hanscom MD back in Control" and you'll find his website and his story. I believe he still does consultations if you really feel like you need extra assurance.

    But if surgery is not even being suggested for your so-called "mild herniation", then why not let go of obsessing about it and give TMS theory a chance?

    Just ask, we'll give you a list of resources to get started.

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