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Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Michael Coutts, Jan 22, 2024.

  1. Michael Coutts

    Michael Coutts Peer Supporter

    Along with all of this buried rage that we have all been accumulating our entire lives (and continue to accumulate) there are particularly painful memories past and present and still to come where we have been completely overpowered and victimized.

    Talking to our brain about all of these enraging situations is absolutely vital, and telling our brain that we get it that we are totally enraged and that we know that our brain is giving us these horrible painful and uncomfortable symptoms as a distraction from our ugly old rage and that we get it that this shit happened but DON'T GIVE ME ANY PAIN BRAIN!!!!

    After achieving excellent success by using Sarno's methods, and reading his books back to back to back (I thought at a point that I was doomed to never be able to read anything but his books anymore at the expense of novels and farming books and food histories and biographies and graphic novels- how enraging!!!! Eventually I got saturated with the healing methods and now only need to read his books annually or so when there's some annoying symptom that is more persistent than usual- still, over this period I have read his books 20 times including Marc Sopher's book and 2 of Howard Schubiner's), I read Dr. Schubiner's books that he kindly donated to my Healing Pain Library that freely lends Sarno's books at our farm.

    My favourite practice from Schubiner's books (aside from the Sarno stuff) is his excellent mental excercises in transforming nasty memories where we were victims into brand new memories where we emerge victorious, having vanquished the victimizers.

    Schubiner's examples in his books are extremely graphic and violent (as he reports his many patients have the best healing with this graphic rage release).

    The mental excercises that I like to do are more like Itchy and Scratchy cartoons from The Simpsons TV cartoon. As in, even though they can be graphic (and often are) they always end up being kind of hilarious, in a sick and twisted sort of way.

    Using these excercises has been quite amazing. Memories that I had replayed over and over in my head up to that point were depressing and left me feeling worse. When I would share these memories with people, they wouldn't know what to say, except look at you with pitying eyes.

    Now, with these same memories, I tend to remember the new ones I have made and they never fail to make me laugh. When I share them with other people, they too are often laughing their asses off..... Much better medicine then sad pity.

    Where once I was carrying around a feeling that I was a lifelong victim (which I wouldn't admit to but I was clearly acting like and suffering like), this is no longer the case. Despite all of the shit that I have been dealt in life (in amongst all of the roses- mostly roses!) I do not think of myself as a victim. Any bad memories that have happened, and have been transformed with these excercises, have cut the cord of victimization. I can still look back at my younger self and feel sad for the situations that had befallen me, but they have all been dealt with and I am back here now in the present- and life is truly great- despite any hurdles- and especially since I have learned the wonders of talking to my brain.

    Here's some examples of this 'memory transformation' excercise. I'm going to keep some of the more graphic and intense ones to myself, especially since I would hate for somebody to read about them who may have been involved. Sorry, but the best (and funniest) won't get shared, and certainly not in their entirety.

    There was an incident from when I was nine or ten (or younger or older, I don't totally remember) in the winter when I was I was walking home from school, and killing time (as I didn't ever particularly want to rush home where things were far from perfect).

    For some reason (I was pretty young) I found it a fun time to make snowballs and roll them under the tires of cars driving by where they would burst under their tires. One of these snowballs accidentally got lobbed up into the air where it smacked into the windshield of the car (whoops- definitely very bad behavior done in total innocence!). Needless to say, I crossed the road as quickly as possible and started sprinting full tilt to get home.

    This guy screeched to a halt, got out of his car, chasing me, and screamed STOP KID! I froze up, he came and got me, put me in his car, asked directions to where I lived and drove me home. (Such terrible behavior on that rude angry person- ordering a kid into your car alone is over the top!).

    He drove me home just as my two sisters were heading in the front door. My step mom and dad weren't home, so this jerk told my sisters what had happened and told them to make sure to tell my parents!!!

    Anyways, they never did tell on me. What they did do, instead, was blackmail me for many years afterwards!

    Anytime that they wanted to get out of doing dishes, or get me to do something for them, all that they had to say was 'SNOWBALL'. This carried on for an embarrassingly long time.

    Don't get me wrong, I love my sisters and have a good relationship with them. They were never really mean to me, but they did pull this stunt for a long time.

    Anyways, here, using Howard Schubiner's recommended excercise, is what I did to this particular memory.

    After the man screeched to a halt and yelled 'STOP KID' I ran back to the guy, shoved him aside, got into his car and ran him over and over and over, until he was a smear of blood and guts all over the road.

    Then, I drove home to where my sisters were there ready to head in the house. Except that they weren't my sisters. They were SISTER ZOMBIES! So I got out my snow bazooka and blasted snowballs over and over at them until they exploded into dust.

    Now this is what I remember when I think of this particular silly bad memory.

    I will admit, that I toned down the violence in this story (seriously) by making my sisters into zombies, as in, it really wasn't them acting like that.

    I repeated this story to one of my sisters and she found it pretty funny and apologized for having blackmailed me for all that time although she admitted that she didn't remember doing this but if I did then it must be true (how totally validating!).

    Anyways, this is just one example and I have countless more but I am going to stop here because it is getting close to time to play a boardgame with my wonderful wife and daughter- the highlights of my life!


    This is basically the kind of talk that my wife and I casually share with other folks who are having people problems. We say 'BLOW THEM UP IN YOUR MIND' (and explain the excercise) and people often laugh hard and tell us later that they do this excercise.

    A farming friend told us that her 'go to' is to KILL THEM WITH CARROTS- as in, anybody who has done her wrong or pissed her off she imagines shoving two carrots up their nose, thus killing them.

    Although these excercises are violent and bloody, they are totally benign- as in, as long as you aren't really going around hurting people and killing them, then there is no problem here.

    This is totally between you and your brain.
    BloodMoon and lucieG like this.
  2. Michael Coutts

    Michael Coutts Peer Supporter

    Indeed this can be a horribly violent bloody graphic excercise that you can do in your mind without telling anybody without fearing that they found some insane journal entry hiding under the table.

    This graphic mental excercise can be done without fear of bullies or perpetrators coming and seeking revenge on you for your enacting therapeutic memory transforming excercises on your mind stage.

    Playing these personal mind games is a great way to pass periods of mundaneness that might creep into your daily routine. These mind games are a far better idea than actually plotting real life revenge on people who have done you wrong. It isn't worth getting killed in a shootout like you see in the movies for seeking justice!

    And really, should we even feel guilty or ashamed at making up these little short mind films, where we turn the tables and totally slay the people who have done us wrong?

    'It's better to feel a little guilt than a whole lot of resentment'- that fine quote was shared from Gabor Mate

    There are people in the world who send abusers of all sorts to prisons, or publicly shame them in newspapers and on TV.

    There are people who go to jail for their crimes, or have been hanged for their crimes, or have been drawn and quartered for their crimes, or have been tarred and feathered for their crimes.

    Thinking about all of that, you have to realize that it is really quite a benign, and very therapeutic tool, this transformative memory play......

    So here's a few more ideas of how you can transform some bad memories:

    If somebody every spanked you with a wooden spoon that broke over your bare ass, then you can envision turning the tables, and spanking that person with a wooden spoon until they have exploded into a big gory pile (not funny- sorry)

    If there was somebody who controlled you through some big period of your life through threats and punishments, you can imagine them as being trapped in a big cage where you have thrown away the key. You tower over them in your gigantic form and taunt and torment them while they plead like little children who are trying desperately to convince their parents to understand what they need or fear, with trembling stuttering cries. (sick and twisted- no doubt about it!)

    If some teacher ever humiliated you in front of a class when you arrived with a brand new short cut haircut and basically called you a monkey in front of the class, then you can envision grabbing this teacher by his scrawny little neck and tearing him limb from limb while you toss his mangled limbs to the ravenous ape students who devour this sick twisted teacher with great gusto!

    If you ever had a teacher who told you not to eat snacks in class then you can envision taking a great pile of these snacks (or fruit, like oranges) and shoving them down their throat, in their eyeballs and up their nose.

    If you ever have a customer who complains about whatever it is that you are selling, then you can likewise imagine shoving all of your merchandise down their throat and up their nose and in their eyes.

    The sky is really the limit with this particular mental excercise.

    Anyways, I'll stop here.

    I am sorry if I have offended anybody with all of the graphicness involved.

    But really, if somebody in real life, really truly has victimized you in any way in the genuine real world, causing great amounts of real life pain and shame and sadness and embarrassment and even real genuine continuous tormenting pain symptoms that continue to affect you through life- then doing these mental excercises is really a way of letting these mean mad folks off of the hook.

    Nope, you can string these abusers up on your mental mind hook cast into an ocean of sharks where they will get what they might just genuinely deserve- and amazingly, nobody actually gets hurt.

    Hooray for excercising our imagination skills and healing at the same time!!!!
    BloodMoon and lucieG like this.

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