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Brain fog. Need encouragement.

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by ash, Dec 14, 2021.

  1. ash

    ash Newcomer

    I’m not sure where to start but I have been dealing with all kinds of migraine symptoms for the last three years. They came on like the flip of a switch one afternoon during the midst of a very stressful project time at work. For the first year and a half I thought that it was just chronic daily anxiety which I had never really dealt with before. But then after having my second son and seeing our local dizzy doctor During a Trumatic postpartum season, I was finally diagnosed with vestibular migraine which totally made sense. My symptoms have changed throughout the course of the three years and I’ve tried a couple different medication‘s but tend to be very medication sensitive. Right now though I am in a very heightened state of intense pressure in my head making it very very difficult to think, focus, My memory seems to be suffering, and it is just very uncomfortable making me feel like I am just plain losing my mind. It feels like a very dense fog, heavy and lightheaded like I could pass out at the same time. I just want to know that this could be TMS and that I can recover from this…
  2. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I had migraines for over 50 years and recovered completely using TMS healing techniques. They weren't vestibular migraines so I can't address that specifically. But in my case, migraines were TMS. Brain fog is a common TMS complaint, and I used to have it often, but no more. As long as you have ruled out any other causes, I think it is safe to assume it is TMS.
    ash likes this.
  3. Brian89

    Brian89 Newcomer

    I have suffered from a variety of symptoms over the years including migraines. Nothing has helped like Dr. Sarno's book. I know it can be frustrating to have memory problems and scary to get lightheaded. Bothe Programs on this site are very helpful and gave me relief while i waited for book to get in. I am on day 4 of the program and have felt so much better since I started it's amazing. So much to learn. I wish you all the best and hope you get some relief from your symptoms soon.
  4. Satori

    Satori New Member

    I have suffered with every kind of migraine there is....and it is definitely TMS! Yes...you can be cured. I fully understand how migraines completely alter a persons life. We just need to have faith and stick with the program. Good luck!
    Brian89 likes this.

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