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Bruce Lipton - Tapping World Summit

Discussion in 'Mindbody Video Library' started by mike2014, Dec 7, 2014.

  1. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi All,

    I have come across this video of Bruce Lipton at the Tapping World Summit, it's a few years old now, but thought it would be useful for anyone who is new at the forum.

    All the best,

    North Star, Peggy and Forest like this.
  2. WorriedUser

    WorriedUser New Member

    Wow what a inspirational video, thanks Mike
  3. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    I already published Bruce Lipton's talk before on this Forum and got a huge positive response. However, it is important to remember that traditional M.D.s have called Lipton a "charlatan" (doesn't agree with them?). Dr Barrett at Quackwatch also dismisses Lipton's Institute of Noetic Sciences as an 'objectionable organization':


    That meditation can initiate spontaneous self-healing certainly goes against existing medical dogma that the only acceptable treatment involves meds or the knife.
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  4. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Sorry Bruce, I should have done a search before I added it.
  5. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    No problem, Mike! Buried so deep in the Forum that re-posting will only make Bruce Lipton and his theory of epigenetics better known. Really interesting point Lipton makes about how stem cells express themselves according to in what environment you place them. Goes against the whole current hoopla about deterministic genetics. As Lipton points out, it's not DNA-RNA-Protein, it's DNA + Environment + Environment + Environment! And he might add too that it's Mind + Mind + Mind!
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2014
    Dahlia likes this.
  6. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes, he made some fantastic points to be fair. I was blown away by it and must read his book.
  7. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    This is pretty well established in cell biology and not anything new. I studied bioreactors and scaffolds as part of my Undergrad. Its fascinating how stem cells operate. If you place them under some mechanical strain they differentiate into cartilage or bone. fascinating . Lipton should be taken with a pinch of salt but you can't ignore his credentials of course. Tapping is becoming more widespread and hopefully clinical studies can back up its effectiveness.
    mike2014 likes this.
  8. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    Bruce Lipton's critique of allopathic medicine, it seems to me, is like a Marxist's critique of money market capitalism: The criticism is accurate but what about the solution to the problem? Lipton is correct about how stem cells adapt to the environment you place them in, but having you take a thousand dollar seminar given by one of his associates to learn how to control your biology doesn't really tell me a lot about how that's happening. I'm with you, CelticSkeptic, it would be nice to see some good old scientific materialist double-blind experiments on EFT with Tapping to confirm what Dr Lipton is saying in theory. I did read in Dr. Barrett's QuackWatch the other day how accupuncture/accupressor was found to have no beneficial effects for patients over 50 with chronic knee pain (but they didn't state anything about patients under 50 either).
    IrishSceptic and mike2014 like this.
  9. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    By the way I think EFT works when done properly but the only studies seem to be from the EFT community. many people with PTSD and pain have reported signficant ''release'' so their is something afoot. The self-affirming nature of it coupled with calling up the trauma or issue seem to work synergistic-ally.
    EDMR is another one I came across that I thought was rubbish but its commonly used by many mental health professionals.
  10. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    EMDR seems to be gaining traction in the psychotherapeutic community these days. I've heard attacks on it and attacks on Francine Schapiro's credentials, but Dr James Alexander says he has used EMDR to treat PTSD successfully. Again, I'd like to see some scientific materialist double-blind tests on controlled groups. No doubt EMDR has proved beneficial, but, again, why?
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  11. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    I read that the woman who pioneered EDMR was trying to consciously replicate REM eye movements. Perhaps this fools the brain into Letting the subconscious' guard down and readying it for release. There are some free EDMR vids in YouTube but self-therapy is dangerous for severe cases.
  12. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    Also I want to get reading Alexander's book, has anyone read it?
    Seems pretty decent but can't find a Kindle copy and the book is fairly pricey.
  13. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes, I've read it. I used Alexander's protocol for doing EFT with Tapping and also used the methods he describes for initiating programmed dreams. EFT seems like "weak sauce", at least for me. However, my programmed dreams did initiate some unconscious fireworks (which I could remember incidentally). One of my dreams that was really vivid was a drive to a dinner date with my dead relatives with me as chauffeur in a big limo. Really vivid and, so it seemed at the time, therapeutic. Dr Alexander's book contains examples of just about every Power Therapy currently in use today, so I'd give it my vote. I think Herbie Watson here on the Forum liked it too.
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  14. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    Well, the goal of EMDR is to break up the constant scanning back and forth with the eyes that is a primitive survival reflex in the lower brain, a reflex that continues even when someone's functionally brain dead. We're constantly anxiously scanning our environments for potential danger. EMDR breaks up that pattern of scanning with bright lights (or sounds) controlled by a therapist. I guess someone who is so anxious that they're constantly stuck in the flight/fright/freeze response can be shaken out of it using EMDR. You'd have to read/check with Francine Schapiro to get a better description from the primary source.
  15. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    The book is available by Kindle in the US on Amazon now. So maybe soon where you are.

    I've read it and think it's excellent. Very comprehensive and well written. He includes his own TMS recovery story in it, and lots of examples from his patients. I highly recommend it.
    Laudisco and IrishSceptic like this.

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