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Day 3 But also Day 4 - progress and setbacks

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Ruth65, Jul 25, 2024.

  1. Ruth65

    Ruth65 Newcomer

    Hello everyone,

    Thank you so much for all the support so far - I can't tell you how much it means to me!

    I'm working through the lists and it seems like the more I write, the more I discover about the things in my life (past and present) that really affect me emotionally. I was abused as a child by an older sibling (among others) and my parents and other siblings knew, but did nothing. It's a complicated story, as they all are, I suppose, but even after therapy, I hadn't realized how much of that emotional baggage I still carry with me.

    This is where intellectually knowing what you're feeling and FEELING what you're feeling diverge. Knowing has helped, but feeling has been a game changer. Acknowledging my feelings (that the People Pleaser in me is shocked and appalled by) as legitimate and allowing myself to really feel them has been so overwhelmingly freeing. I'm not completely there yet. I understand that this is a process and with all the baggage I'm lugging around, I'll be happy if I can just put it on wheels to make it easier to carry.

    Or is that the goal? Is the goal to get rid of the baggage completely or just acknowledge it, feel all the feelings, and realize that it's a part of you that you have to accept?

    I'd actually like some feedback on that last one. Is the goal to get rid of the baggage or is that even possible?


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