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Butt pain from new car seats

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by JV63, Mar 12, 2025 at 4:39 PM.

  1. JV63

    JV63 Peer Supporter

    Hello all. I've recently gotten a new car and the seats are causing me discomfort in the butt bone/cheeks area. I have serious buyers remorse over the purchase so thinking it's TMS. I can sit in other cars just fine and when others sit in my new car they feel the seats are fine. In my defense I have a very bony butt :)

    The interesting thing is I had back pain with the last 2 cars I've purchased which turned out to be TMS. Seems whenever I make a purchase like this I get buyers remorse for a while. This time around it's not back pain but butt pain instead. I caved in and bought a couple of different cushions but now thinking that I'm conceding to the "belief" that the seats are uncomfortable. This one is being more difficult to overcome vs. the previous 2 cars. I want to ditch the cushions but my brain is saying to me "what if this time it is the seats." Frustrating to say the least.
    Baseball65 and JanAtheCPA like this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Haha - this is a good one, @JV63.

    Your brain knows better than to try the old back pain trick again, so it latched on to your self-assessment of bony-butt as soon as you sat in the driver's seat and it felt ever-so-slightly different, because of course it would, right?

    Sounds like a classic example of pure TMS to me! Time to get out the pen and paper and write a letter to yourself about it. Or to anyone else who influenced you in the decision, causing that good ol' repressed rage.

    This too will pass. Unless you bought a c****truck, in which case you might actually be well and truly f***ed...
    HealingMe, JV63 and Jimmy Todd like this.
  3. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yeah. Car seats and chairs do NOT give us pain. We might not like them, but that is 1000% TMS
    HealingMe, JV63 and louaci like this.
  4. Mr Hip Guy

    Mr Hip Guy Well known member

    This reminds me of a recent trip with a friend of mine, himself an actual Physical Therapist, where he got into my vehicle and arranged a bunch of cushions on my passenger seat for him to sit on. When I gave a curious look, he said it helped his chronic hamstring pain to sit on this pile of cushions. Classic TMS.
    JanAtheCPA, louaci and JV63 like this.

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