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Can everyone get completely better ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by KEANU4141, Dec 30, 2023.

  1. KEANU4141

    KEANU4141 New Member

    Can everyone with TMS completely eliminate all there symptoms that are caused by TMS if they resolve the stressors, motions, angry inner child, etc.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is hypervigilance and perfectionism. Please note that you are asking the same questions on these forums in different ways, but they are all pretty much the same question.

    @KEANU4141 , are you working with a therapist or someone you can talk to about the anxiety, and talk through your Dr. Schubiner book work and ask these hard questions of? Someone you can trust your inner most self with?
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2023
    Bonnard likes this.
  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think this will help you recognize hyper-vigilance, and how our minds can get so stuck on fear thoughts.

    Bonnard likes this.
  4. Bonnard

    Bonnard Well known member

    Hello @KEANU4141,

    I've thought about these same kinds of questions. Here are a few thoughts I've had on this topic:
    I think these 'global recovery' kinds of questions (Can everyone do it? Let go of All symptoms? Work through 100% of our stressors and emotional hang-ups?) comes up the most when we're not in a crisis with immediate symptoms...and when our minds have extra time to ponder and worry about more stuff. Being away from crisis mode is a better place to be, of course!
    BUT, we can over-think and get into perfectionism and hypervigilance....the urge to control/eliminate all symptoms forever.

    When we're in the midst of immediate pain, the questions usually show up differently: "Can I get through work today with this level of back pain?"
    "Will I be able to finish this walk?"
    "I wish these migraines/GI symptoms/hip pain/skin flare-ups/inflammation/ankle pain, etc etc... would just ease up a bit. I need some relief! I just need to get through today and get some good rest this weekend."

    What we usually have to deal with is the current situation and we need to look for some improvement. If that's the consistent focus over time, Yes, we can all recover. The time with less symptoms can be a time of growth instead of fear/perfectionism. Continued progress over time, knowing that life comes up and we're going to have setbacks and new challenges come up.

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