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Can hair loss be TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by gettingbacktome, Mar 18, 2024.

  1. gettingbacktome

    gettingbacktome Newcomer

    I've been suffering from hair loss and scalp pain for 3 years now. Both started during a time of extreme stress and the hair loss made me even more stressed and I've been in a terrible cycle now for 3 years. When my stress is high, the scalp sensations get worse. No treatments have helped much from the dermatologist. I'm wondering if this could be TMS and if anyone has had anything similar?
  2. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Roger Maris lost hair in clumps during his big '61 year...it was even written into the script of the movie... not pattern baldness, just blotches.
    Women can get slow hair loss, but it it's all of a sudden? I would blame stress...Happens to Dogs too...even when they're not scratching. I don't think any of Gods creatures are all that different. I have seen a lot of dogs on Psych meds lately (LOL)
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi and welcome. The connection between stress and hair loss is well known, even in the traditional medical community. TMS is just an acronym developed by Dr John Sarno MD, in whose honor this website was founded, and in whose honor we still use the acronym. However, TMS just refers to the mindbody connection, notably the physical effects all humans experience from stress, distress, trauma, and emotional repression.

    If you're unfamiliar with the TMS theory, we always suggest reading one of Dr Sarno's books to begin with. You can ignore the first two about back pain, and choose either The Mindbody Prescription, or The Divided Mind. If you suffer from anxiety, which most of us do, the second book to read is titled Hope and Help for Your Nerves , by Claire Weekes.

    Also check out our free Structured Educational Program on the main TMSwiki.org web page.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Reflecting the increasing stress on human mental health in these dysfunctional times!
    Baseball65 likes this.
  5. gettingbacktome

    gettingbacktome Newcomer

    Thank you for your response... I did read the divided mind. I guess what threw me off is that most of the TMS stuff is pain related so I'm wondering if this can relate to hair loss as well
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Okay, sorry - I thought I answered this, but I probably over-explained. Short answer: Yes.

    A lot - sure - but "most" is certainly not true. It wasn't even true in The Divided Mind, which has an entire chapter devoted to "white coat hypertension" - aka high blood pressure at the doctor's office (as I recall it was a technical and boring chapter, but that's beside the point).

    Stress and TMS are inextricably connected. Stress is the reason for the TMS mechanism to produce all of the many types of symptoms.

    And although we don't advise consulting Dr. Google, you can certainly do a search for "stress and hair loss" (or "stress and..." any other symptom for that matter).
  7. gettingbacktome

    gettingbacktome Newcomer

    So TMS is anything in the body that stress can activate?
  8. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Just now I was looking at a a really old thread that was revived today, and saw this statement from well-known TMS author Steve Ozanich which was the last thing posted 7 years ago. I believe this answers your question:

    "Remember though that TMS (the brain) can cause inflammation. Dr. Sarno had swelling with TMS, so did Dr. Sopher, me, and hundreds of people I have worked with. Dr. Sarno was referring to back pain in his initial observations on TMS. The brain can and does create anything in the body, from the mundane to the oddest things I have ever witnessed."​
    And Steve quotes Dr Sarno:
    "There are so many things that are TMS that I wouldn't have time to write about them all." John E. Sarno ​
  9. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Two of my female friends had hair loss at very stressful times in their lives. Once they became aware of their inner unhappiness and the stress both of their romantic relationships were causing (and how it made them really hard on themselves) their hair grew back.

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