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Can hand pain be due to stress?

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by stressed_teacher, Feb 15, 2025.

  1. stressed_teacher

    stressed_teacher New Member

    I've struggled with stress-related pain before mostly in my knees and legs. I also get almost debilitating nausea when life is particularly taxing. But lately my left hand has been very sore and I suspect it's because when I have leg pain or nausea now I know that it isn't really due to any medical condition. But lately I've started worrying that this thumb pain might be arthritis, which of course made it worse because in my mind it became something that would haunt me for the rest of my life. But I actually have been diagnosed with arthritis in my finger joints, because they are enlarged, but they don't hurt at all! Now my thumb (especially at the place where it meets my palm) has been aching for days without any injury that I can remember.
    I searched the forum, but nothing like this has been mentioned. Do you think it's TMS? Thank you!
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    HealingMe likes this.

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