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Can SIBO be TMS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Tony, Sep 15, 2024.

  1. Tony

    Tony New Member

    Hello everyone,

    Everything is in the title. I'm looking for testimonials of people with SIBO who have cured it with nervous system retraining.

    Thank you very much.
  2. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Tony,
    The answer to your question is yes. (The TMSing brain can cause all manner of symptoms.)

    For example, the following (below) is a video by a guy called Helmut who recovered from loads of different mind/body/TMS symptoms to include SIBO.

    (I also posted another video about Helmut's recovery from TMS symptoms in this thread - which is on the success stories forum - where he is being interviewed by TMS coach Dan Buglio https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/helmuts-success-story.27784/ (Helmut's success story...))

    Last edited: Sep 15, 2024
  3. Tony

    Tony New Member

    Thank you very much, I will check with more attention.
    I see that on his Youtube channel that he's now seling coaching and programms. That makes me skeptical.
    There A LOT of people on Youtube selling the same things.
  4. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    I first saw him being interviewed by Dan Buglio before he ever offered any coaching and he seemed genuine to me (but, of course, one might argue that I don't know him from Adam). He has a lot of free videos on his channel giving detailed advice - so imho there's nothing to lose (except perhaps for some time) in watching those, following what he advises if his mind/body approach appeals to you (he focuses a lot on stress/anxiety reduction and I know very few people who wouldn't benefit from that) and just seeing what happens, seeing if it helps you... you don't need to pay him a single penny. Personally, something that makes me think he's genuine is that he doesn't focus on back pain, whereas if he did, I think he'd probably attract far more 'customers' (but then, of course, a cynic might say that he's just carving out a niche for himself in area where there are still a lot of potential clients).

    Btw, if you're interested in following a mind/body/TMS program that does not require any kind of registration and is accessed via easily managed modules the TMS Wiki (associated with this forum) has a free online program: https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/Structured_Educational_Program (Structured Educational Program)

    I used to suffer with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which plagued me for years, but it has now gone after doing TMS work, however I was never diagnosed with SIBO, so I'll leave to others to comment further.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2024
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  5. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    He offers paid for coaching along with FREE youtube content which he generously provides in his free time to help us. Personally, I think it's ridiculous to expect that people will offer free assistance and give their time, talent and effort to post things on youtube just because. At times folks come here for free assistance, advice and support and then become mean and rude to those offering free help and giving their time and support willingly.

    You can choose to think about what people do however you like, but it don't shoot a gift horse in the mouth. If he offers free stuff you can use, then go for it, he isn't forcing you to buy his coaching sessions.
    JanAtheCPA, BloodMoon and Diana-M like this.
  6. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    I think it’s interesting when people come on this forum begging for advice, but they really don’t want it. Especially when you tell them they’ll have to look at their emotions.
    Hi Tony, Welcome! Check out the Success Stories page. Also, you can search for topics using the little magnifying glass in the top right corner. One thing I will say though, is you heal all TMS the same way, no matter what the symptoms. Check out this free class here in the wiki https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/ (Pain Recovery Program)
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  7. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hear, hear - exactly!

    Yes, indeed, I do believe it's in his free time as I understand that he owns quite a successful maintenance business where he lives in Canada.

    It also gets me when you write a thoughtful and often quite detailed response to their questions and it's greeted with no acknowledgement whatsoever - not even a quick click on the 'like' button -- so entitled and rude!
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2024
    JanAtheCPA and Diana-M like this.
  8. Tony

    Tony New Member

    Hello everyone,

    Woah woah woah... this topic is very passionate...

    I'm sorry if I appeared to be rude but it was really not my intention and there was probably a misunderstanding.

    1/I'm new to this forum and I din't even see there was a "like" button available. I wrote "thank you very much" (meaning for your time and detailed repsonse) and thank you again and for other people too here who took the time to give me informations.

    2/ My bad, I've seen too many Youtube channel talking about the same thing and no real informations were given, it was just marketing. I even tried the DNRS free trial and it was the same. After registering I've received tons of spams from them in my emails. I think my cup was full. Sorry.

    3/ As I told you, "I will check with more attention". And I have checked with a lot of attention and I think I've already watched 2 or 3 hours of content. I should have shut my mouth and watch first before commenting. It was very interesting and very useful. Even complementary with Sarno's book. I think now I understand some things better.

    4/ "I think it’s interesting when people come on this forum begging for advice, but they really don’t want it. Especially when you tell them they’ll have to look at their emotions.".
    That's not my case. I even started the journaling and somatic tracking and I have very good results with y pain and dizziness.

    The only last question that remains for SIBO, is that the bacterias are where they should not be (and poisonning you). How treating TMS can remove these bacterias? Probably people here won't have any answer, but that's what came to my mind and I don't find answers on the internet.

    Anyway I will keep doing the work as much as I can, it's a tough batlle.

    I wish you a nice day everybody.
  9. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    I saw that you said thank you - if you read my comment, it's about some people not acknowledging "whatsoever" and I therefore thought that it would obvious that it was not directed at you. (And, personally, I wouldn't expect people to necessarily 'like' on top of having already said thank you.)

    Yes, always best to check things out and not make assumptions before commenting with any negativity and/or scepticism at all. From what you've said you obviously recognise this now - so apology accepted.

    Interestingly, I believe Helmut did the DNRS course; here's a video of his personal views regarding the pros and cons of the program, which might be of interest to you:

    Last edited: Sep 16, 2024
    Tony likes this.
  10. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Hi Tony,
    Gosh sorry! I didn’t mean you! I was just venting. Lately I’ve been really sad that so many people come on here and they are scared and looking for help, but they don’t really want to learn about or believe in TMS. I know they could find help here. But they just can’t see it. :)
    Tony likes this.
  11. Tony

    Tony New Member

    Hey no problem don't worry. I can relate, I have many long covid problems, and very weird skin issues that I've posted about in the forum. I told to other people in a similar situation on Reddit that I've found relief from my pain and dizziness thanks to Sarno's book, and they don't even pay attention.
    JanAtheCPA and Diana-M like this.
  12. Tony

    Tony New Member

    Thank you. Yes , I remember that yesterday he mentionned DNRS quicly in another video.
    BloodMoon likes this.
  13. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    You aren't the only person I've heard who has found the idea of DNRS challenging.

    So the TMS idea of SIBO and any other symptom that is similar is that your body creates all sorts of crazy and insane symptoms out of internal stress, and the repression of emotions surrounding the source of the stress. The best way to understand this is by reading a book by Dr. Sarno. The stress effects the nervous system and can create a host of symptoms - including things that seem to be bacterial overgrowth, inflammation and many many more things. It seems impossible but the body will do ANYTHING to get your attention to your unrecognized internal state - even though you might be convinced you are otherwise mentally ok. People often think they are mentally OK because they've created stress through their whole lives and know no other way to be.

    When we are stressed our body creates hormones which effect the rest of our body - this is very well documented science. It can cause these crazy symptoms.

    So now how to you make it "disappear" or heal it. You work on reducing your stress. This doesn't mean you can do things like go smoke the world's largest spliff, or drink 6 beers a night and relax in front of the TV, sit in the hot tub and melt your cares away, or if you're a granny, crochet until the pain goes away :) it doesn't work that way. Dr. Sarno says you need to find the things you do that create the stress like worry a lot, feel stress about being perfect, always try to keep others happy to avoid interpersonal conflicts, low-self esteem, feel others are always criticizing you (these are just examples) - all this stuff creates internal ANGER and RAGE (subconscious, you aren't aware of it). You begin learning more about yourself and how your mind works and then you can see all these things for what they are. Usually most of the things that create rage are meaningless in the long run - you just didn't learn how to handle it all. So you learn.

    Then when the stress lowers, and your nervous system begins to get back to being able to function more reasonably, you stop making the chemicals that cause the symptoms (in the case of things like "diseases") and your body will no longer make bacterial changer. It doesn't quite work this way for muscle tension and back pain etc.

    So the next step for you to learn more is to read a book by Dr. Sarno. Trying "the Divided Mind" is a good start because it features a variety of people and symptoms that they were able to overcome and you will learn more about the science behind the healing method.
    JanAtheCPA, Diana-M and Tony like this.
  14. Tony

    Tony New Member

    Hey t
    Hey thank you very much. I get it and I 99% agree with you.

    I will read "the Divided Mind" according to your recommendation. I've read "The Mindbody prescription" and I already had a great relief from my pain and dizziness.

    I say I agree with you 99% because of this : "including things that seem to be bacterial overgrowth"

    It's not "seem" but actually "it is". I mean I did a SIBO breath test and I'm positive to hydrogen SIBO. My score is 100ppm instead of 20ppm max. That's very high. It means that my small intestine is full of bacterias in the small intestine that should be almost sterile. My only question is how reducing stress and healing the nervous sytem can push these bacterias out of the small intestine while there are here?
  15. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    This, @Tony.

    I'm actually willing to state that stress creates physiological changes, and this is accepted science. Mind you, I'm not a scientist or medical professional, but my understanding as a lay person, and in very simplified terms, is that inflammation is part of the fight or flight stress response, and inflammation all on its own creates instant physiological changes, along with things like special hormone production to prepare the body to fight or flee.

    This is fact, and it is true of all animals. It's also true of plants, but they use different physiological processes. In either case, the point of a stress response is to survive threats.

    Now, you have to understand that this kind of stress response is meant to be short term. You either survive or you die. If you survive, you get somewhere safe, you calm down, and the stress response resolves. This worked great in the primitive world for tens of thousands of years, In the modern world, which is really a tiny blip of time evolutionarily, we are being subjected to increasing sources of constant stress. More and more of us also suffer from pathological anxiety or depression or OCD. Our bodies end up being under a constant barrage of inflammation from the stress response, and it is not healthy.

    Constant stress results in lower immune resistance to all kinds of things, like, guess what? Bacteria! Viruses! Toxic exposures! Allergens!

    Here's the bottom line to accept: many many people who have successfully used TMs recovery techniques report that as a side effect they also now get sick less often, and/or their allergies are not as bad as they used to be.

    This all makes perfect sense when you understand the physiology of stress. To understand it even better, I might recommend the third book that saved my life, which is When the Body Says No , by Gabor Mate MD.
    Tony and Diana-M like this.
  16. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    This article makes a number of suggestions with links to research papers etc., as to why and how stress can cause SIBO https://www.amymyersmd.com/article/stress-sibo#citation-3 (The Stress & SIBO Connection) One of the things mentioned is that what stress apparently does is reduce the amount of gastric acid produced in the stomach and the problem with that is that gastric acid kills off the bacteria. Start producing more stomach acid by reducing stress and it can do the job it's meant to do. I've not read all the references in the article, so I'm not up for discussing what it says in any detail; I'll just leave it to you to come to your own conclusions. Something my bit of googling threw up too though, was that a low fodmap diet (followed for a limited time only) can also help reduce the amount of 'bad' (gas producing etc) bacteria and therefore its growth. On its own the diet is not curative but combine it with TMS work to tackle anger and rage and reduce stress and fear and I surmise that it could possibly make you more comfortable and help you turn the tide.

    Also during my google about SIBO, I read that SIBO breath testing has it's pros and cons with both false positives and false negatives, with false positives sometimes being due to "the variability of orocecal transit times" -- the following paper of 2023 says the latter and that "the major criticism of glucose and lactulose breath testing is that the early rise in breath hydrogen reflects colonic fermentation rather than SIBO" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10496284/#:~:text=A%20recent%20meta%2Danalysis%20cited,for%20the%20glucose%20breath%20test Again, I'm not up for discussing or debating the ins and outs of this with regard to whether or not a false positive could be a factor in your case - as I haven't got the time to study and look into it all - so it's for you decided what you think about that too. I do hope though that something I've mentioned or referred to in this posting will help with your resolve to continue with doing TMS work.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2024
    Ellen and Tony like this.
  17. Tony

    Tony New Member

    Hey thank you for this informations and yes obviously seen like that it makes a lot fo sense.
  18. Tony

    Tony New Member

    When I drank the lactulose before the test (and I didn't really know what I was drinking, I was perfectly calm), 5 minutes later I had horrible pain in the stomach, dizziness, total brain fog, full body weakness, and even tensions in the jaw like I was feeling electricity... At this moment I knew the test would be positive. And score of 100 ppm instead of 20ppm I think there's not doubt to say that the test I've done is accurate.

    But however, thank so much for the information because it was exactly what I was looking for! It makes a lot of sense that without stomach acid due to stress, the bacterias will not disappear. I've just read Betain HCL can help with that. Combined with journaling and TMS work I might see some results.

    I will keep you informed. I wish you a nice day.
    BloodMoon likes this.
  19. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle


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