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Can the thing you're doing DURING THE TIME YOUR STRESSED cause an injury?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by newlearner, Feb 18, 2022.

  1. newlearner

    newlearner Peer Supporter

    Say you're leaning a certain way while you're really concerned about something... like against a table. You're freaking out horribly. During this time you're freaking out, your mind is restricting nutrients or whatever it does to some body part. Because of how you're currently situated, you develop an injury as a result of a) decreased nutrients and b) freaking out.

    In other words, if you weren't freaking out when you were leaning against the table, you wouldn't have become injured.
  2. newlearner

    newlearner Peer Supporter

    Alternately, whatever you're doing at the time of freaking out causes the injury when it wouldn't have if you did the same thing at a separate time.

    Eg. Running while freaking out (TMS trauma style) = injury.
    Running while in a different mood = non injury.
  3. newlearner

    newlearner Peer Supporter

    Permit me to tell you why I made this thread.

    I was doing something very stressful while learning against a stool kind of. I was upright. While I was doing this, I started having pain and numbness in my thigh, testicle, and genital.

    I thought, "oh, I compressed a section of my spine and this is nerve pain."

    Then I thought "wait a sec, it might be TMS."

    I was very stressed at the time I was doing it.

    But it was tingling, pain, and numbness. Nerve pain. Nerve compression. It makes sense as the lower part of the spine handles this parts of the body.

    But then I thought, even though nerve issues make perfect sense, and even though the area matches, and even though pressing the sacrum region of my spine which is where these nerves exist which reach areas like testicle, thigh, and genital, maybe this is still TMS because I was stressed.

    So I thought, maybe TMS is restricting nutrients or whatever to that part of my body, and BY LEANING ON IT it further compressed it, but if I didn't have TMS it wouldn't have pressed it enough to make a difference, but having TMS means bloodflow was already reduced and hence pressing on it made it worse, therefore it's TMS.

    In other words, pretend a range from 1-100 exists. Assume you have to be at 50 or under to have pain. Normally you are 100. Sitting a certain way would make you at 80 because it reduces you by 20. But because you have TMS, your baseline is 60 rather than 100. So now, sitting a certain way makes you 40 yet you get symptoms.

    That's what I was trying to say.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    And I would say, don't overthink this.

    TMS is not a condition or a disease which causes symptoms. It is actually a normal brain mechanism, and it's the brain that causes all physical sensations.

    I realize that Dr. Sarno coined the term TMS from tension myositis syndrome, but his theories kept evolving, and near the end of his career he was already saying that TMS really ought to stand for The Mindbody Syndrome, as he recognized that mental conditions like anxiety and depression were most likely TMS, along with many other hard-to-diagnose symptom conditions that were becoming more common.

    The fact is that what we still call TMS is a survival mechanism that evolved in humans to keep us safe in a dangerous and distracting primitive environment, which worked quite well to keep us alive when lives were short and the dangers were few and quite tangible. In today's world, this mechanism seems to go haywire, especially for those of us with high anxiety and overly-sensitized nervous systems - which is becoming more and more common as our long lives become more complicated and the perceived dangers multiply and become ever more intangible.

    Again - our brains are in charge of every physical sensation and every physiological process in our bodies. Symptoms arise because our brains create them - sometimes for no other reason than to distract us from emotions, or just to keep us on hyper-alert for danger (even where no danger exists because most of us are lucky enough to live extremely safe lives).

    Assuming that you've been properly checked out for symptoms that are actually concerning, your next step is to stop thinking of TMS as this thing that is causing you distress, and open up a dialogue with yourself to figure out why your brain thinks it needs to do this. And do one of the programs if you're not doing so!
  5. newlearner

    newlearner Peer Supporter

    Thanks for the reply.

    I think what I was asking is, what is the reason that sitting a certain way produces nerve pain and numbness if it's NOT a disc misalignment?

    So I came up with some possible explanations for it. I would like a more specific explanation than "it's our brains."

    When sitting = pain


    not sitting = no pain

    That doesn't sound like your brain.

    When sitting = no pain

    and then suddenly

    sitting = pain

    that sounds like new physical damage.

    I even tried to come up with an explanation that would explain the above example blended with TMS.

    I am liking learning about TMS and the concept, but I think this forum is too much "you have a problem? It's TMS!" But! But "It's TMS!" "It's your brain your brain hates you!"

    My brain is not satisfied with such an explanation, hence this thread.


    How does sitting = pain, and no sitting = no pain mean it's my brain?

    I have had something similar happen. I was very uncomfortable/bothered by something, and I was rubbing

    For example, after sitting for a bit, my butt, genital, and hamstring are numb. But it could be because I'm annoyed while reading this thread, which would support my concept described in the first post.
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

  7. newlearner

    newlearner Peer Supporter

    Across the moments I have having massive stress and trauma, I was eating certain things (eggs, pasta, peanuts).

    I seem to have developed food sensitivities to these things.

    For the last 2 years, if I eat eggs, pasta, or peanuts, my throat swells up the next day and swallowing is very difficult.

    I wonder if these sensitivities are because I was repressing while I was eating them.
  8. Tms_joe

    Tms_joe Well known member

    Imagine you were the one who created the TMS distraction, bc that’s what it is, a distraction. You might just live a happy life and be free of the fear without the distraction.

    Now, the most effective way to tie up your attention is the scenario you’ll get. That’s why you can’t beat TMS. It’s formed with intelligence on par with yours. You can’t outthink it. You can only come to realize it has zero power without your attention always placed on it.

    That’s why RSI was the main TMS symptom to me 7 years ago. I was on a computer 11 hours a day and turning wrenches most the rest. Threatened my income and stole my hobby. Yea, that was insanely effective. It also wasn’t real. Took quite a while to be free of the doubts AFTER discovering it was TMS. If that stubbornness and skepticism wasn’t there, it would have been one of those instant success stories.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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