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Car wreck, whiplash, TOS, nerve entrapment?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by bearisok, Dec 18, 2023.

  1. bearisok

    bearisok Newcomer

    Hey all, I am new here after reading the mindbody prescription and listening to healing back pain. I'll try to be as brief as possible. The books have helped with my pain. I was in a rollover car crash 10 months ago. I was concussed and my nervous system was hypersensitized to pain for months. Overall I am a lot more functional now, though my neck is still weaker than it was before the wreck. My MRI was clean except for minor disc buldges, which I am sure is not the source of my problem. My problem is this: I am having trouble accepting a non structural source of pain for the following reasons: when i lift my arms over my head, my right shoulder is pulled inward towards my neck, and my anterior scalene bulges out on the injured side. I also can FEEL the nerves being tugged on from the side of my neck(and up behind my ear), all the way down my arm. (for the first few months, my right arm would randomly go numb, but not anymore). My Pt suggested i have thoracic outlet syndrome as a scalene nerve entrapment. I have stopped fearing the pain, and I have been back in the gym, but for some reason, I just can't get my shoulder to lengthen back out. I guess I am frustrated, and that could be holding me back, on top of the fact that I can SEE the physical asymmetry that this wreck caused. attached picture for reference. you can see how my shoulder is essentially smashing into my upper trap. I also have popping sounds in my clavicle area with specific movements.
  2. bearisok

    bearisok Newcomer

  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @bearisok
    I suggest you try re-reading your tms books again, slowly and work towards understanding that tms is not physical, it is a mental and emotional pain that presents as a physical symptom to distract you from the emotional pain your brain thinks it should be afraid of.

    The T in TMS is tension - in the mind and in the body. Dr. Sarno’s methods of examining our past stressors, our personality traits and our current stressors to reveal the patterns of thoughts that keep us stuck in negative, fearful, anxious mindsets and stressed out can help reduce the mental tension which causes physical tension.
    You’ve hinted at these things in your message above, but only really discuss your fixation on the physical where Dr. Sarno explicitly says to focus on the psychological.
    The Structured Educational Prigram at tmswiki.org (scroll down page) will guide you through the psychological work.
    Good luck!

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