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Chronic Airways Disease.

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Lojos, Dec 12, 2024.

  1. Lojos

    Lojos Peer Supporter

    I was diagnosed with chronic airways disease in 2022.This was ,according to,an oncologist and a Respiratory Physician and was caused by 2lots of radiation to both breasts .Hence for the last 2lots of breast cancer I haven’t been able to have treatment only surgery.
    I had an appt with the surgeon yesterday and he asked how my breathing was as I entered his room using my walker.I told him it seemed to be getting worse and I can only walk shorter distances than previously. Now my wound has healed on the mastectomy site I can now go into the pool to exercise.My concern is the fatigue in my upper leg muscles.I do have spondylolisthesis but I can manage the pain.My question is is this leg weakness caused by lack of oxygen because of my lungs.I intend going back to the respiratory dr .
    Any thoughts please?
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think going back to the respiratory Dr. is sensible. This forum is for TMS and there are no Drs here, or none that know your heath history to advise you.
    I will say that COPD and its relations are inflammation based chronic disorders and there is real science showing the relation between stress and the chemicals that create inflammation. Dr. Hanscom, a TMS doctor has done quite a bit of work with this aspect of stress.

    You are already doing the work, perhaps your respiratory doc can help you too. Remind yourself even though right now it’s hard and you feel crappy, you are ok. If you can get ahold of a book by Claire Weekes, do it. She will help you manage the anxiety.
  3. Lojos

    Lojos Peer Supporter

    Thanks Cactusflower.
    Yes I will definitely get a referral to see the respiratory physician I saw in 2022.I have read Claire Weekes’s books and benefitted greatly from them.

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