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Chronic gas, stomach gurgling, GERD not going away

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Blue_Man, Jul 28, 2024.

  1. Blue_Man

    Blue_Man New Member

    A few months ago I started experiencing some acid reflux, I usually have it occasionally but never thought much of it b/c it usually goes away. I still remember I was eating an apple and having coffee when I threw up a little in my mouth but I brushed it off. The GERD kinda kept going when I slept at night but I again didn't really do anything about it. A couple weeks later I got sick with a cold for the first time in years b/c I always wore a mask. The cold itself wasn't too bad and subsided after 13 days but I had a cough that lasted almost 7 weeks and is still a little bit with me right now. It's like my throat is making thicker mucus now by default and I'm more prone to coughing and allergies. My libido has also tanked and been super low up until currently.

    The GERD that was with me before I got my cold seems to have gotten worse, I'm getting a lot of gas, gurgling, bloating, and IBS or gastritis symptoms. The gas and gurgling is especially bad when I sleep - specifically after I fall asleep as there seems to be something in the body that changes the GI as it seems to relax as does the sphincter etc and so I am burping repeatedly with acid washing up my throat. I often wake up in the morning with a sour and bitter taste in my mouth. The overall GERD has gone on for 3 months but this gas, bloating, gurgling, burping specifically, probably a little over a month. And it's happening every single night! Or even when I nap, which worries me as I feel fatigue often and take a lot of naps.

    Over the past months I can point to being more stressed out from work and also I guess the cold/viral illness adds to the stress. I also drink coffee but I almost feel like there have been other times in my life that I've drank even more coffee and been even more stressed out but never had these symptoms, but I know TMS can be sneaky and random that way going by my experience with other symptoms.

    I watched a YouTube video from Dan's Pain Free You channel and he discussed how GERD is an especially tough symptom to shake b/c along with it comes the worry of it constantly damaging your esophagus every single night and the possibility of esophageal cancer. I admit this applies to me and even when I suspect it's TMS due to stress I am having a hard time shaking it. Considering going back to SSRIs to treat my lifelong anxiety but i really really don't like the side effects and I don't know what else is going on with me. Seems like after the cold my immune system or things are suppressed with my libido and even my ability to exercise as much as I used to.

    Just looking for any type of feedback or similar experiences from community members here. I remember reading the posts here was a great source of solace and comfort when I first experienced TMS symptoms at the beginning of the pandemic. I went to see a couple of doctors but they were of little help, just told me to get on prilosec or take tums and neither of those fixed the source and just temporarily and mildly suppressed symptoms. Just scared of cancer and also they told me if I wanted to book an appt with a gastroenterologist it's several months out and even if I did it'd be just me worrying the entire time about what they might find, not to mention an endoscopy might not be covered by insurance.

    Sorry about the very long-winded post, I tried posting on reddit but they deleted all my stuff because my account is too new, would appreciate any advice or feedback from anyone here, thank you again for your time.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2024
  2. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    We always look at whether people who post here have been medically cleared before we assume their symptoms are TMS. It sounds like it's been 4 years since you saw a doctor about your symptoms. A lot can change in that amount of time. I think you should get checked out again, as your symptoms can be a sign of a physical/medical issue that needs to be resolved. You could book the appointment and then go forward with a TMS program while you wait for the appointment and results. What TMS work/study have you done besides watching Dan's Pain Free You? Here are some resources for you to check out:

    Next Steps

    Once you’ve read a book by Dr. Sarno and have taken some time to digest it, you will have a better idea of how you might proceed in dealing with your symptoms.

    Here is an older list of book resources you might find helpful: https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/Books_%26_DVDs,_etc (Books & DVDs, etc.).

    Alan Gordon’s: The Way Out https://www.painpsychologycenter.com/the-way-out/ (The Way Out - Pain Psychology Center)

    If you feel you might need more support and guidance, you can find a list of practitioners associated with the PPD Association (including medical doctors) here: https://ppdassociation.org/directory-disclaimer (Directory Disclaimer — Psychophysiologic Disorders Association)

    Directory of Pain Reprocessing Therapy practitioners: https://www.painreprocessingtherapy.com/directory-of-practitioners (Directory of Practitioners - Pain Reprocessing Therapy Institute)

    SIRPA (UK) trained Practitioners: https://www.sirpa.org/find-a-practitioner/

    Anxiety is a common TMS symptom. Resources created by Dr. Claire Weekes are most often very effective in dealing with anxiety. You can find more here: https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/Overcome_Anxiety_with_Dr._Claire_Weekes (Overcome Anxiety with Dr. Claire Weekes)

    The TMSWiki’s guide to journaling: https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/How_do_I_journal%3F (How do I journal?)

    Nichole Sach’s method of journaling is called Journalspeak. Many people find it effective: https://www.yourbreakawake.com/journalspeak (JournalSpeak)

    Expressive Writing is also another method of journaling: https://backincontrol.com/the-4-stages/stage-1-laying-the-foundation/begin-expressive-writing/ (Expressive Writing - Back in Control)

    (Thanks to @Cactusflower for this list)
    Cactusflower and JanAtheCPA like this.
  3. Blue_Man

    Blue_Man New Member

    Hi Ellen, thx for the response.

    I've actually been to the doctor quite a few times, although I mentioned the couple times I visited the doctor recently for the reflux just for reference to say they didn't really give me any helpful advice except the usual sleep using a wedge pillow (which actually made things worse and put more pressure on my abdomen, I might need to get a mattress elevator) and not eating before bed, taking tums or famotidine as needed if i wanted to avoid proton pump inhibitors etc. The symptoms I experienced and saw the doctors for a few years ago are not the same as the ones I have now, notably they were back and neck pain, chronic fatigue, nausea, dizziness, etc. that turned out to be psychosomatic from anxiety. My most current bloodwork all came back normal and I was tested for h pylori but that came back negative as well. All I'm waiting for is the gastroenterologist appt which is still over a month away and driving me crazy.

    The doctors said I didn't have any red flags like vomiting blood, trouble swallowing or weight loss and said cancer is rare/unlikely but you know how the brain works. I'm thinking it might be stress-induced chronic gastritis and gerd but it's killing me mentally every day b/c I think the symptoms are damaging me and my health constantly.

    I'll check out the links you sent, thank you again. In terms of TMS videos I've just been watching a few videos on youtube and I google furiously here and there. I also bought Howard Schubiner's book about healing with pain 4 years ago. His article on chronic fatigue syndrome on the Psychology Today website and the testimonials were eye-opening and life changing and it was the first exposure or time I had ever heard of TMS subject matter or John Sarno.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2024
    Ellen likes this.
  4. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm glad to hear you have been seeing a medical doctor. In addition to the resources above, try putting your symptoms in the search bar in the upper right corner. You will find other posts by people with similar symptoms, which may have helpful information for you. Search the Success Stories forum specifically, and you will likely find success stories of people who have recovered with helpful suggestions.

    Keep us informed how you're doing and feel free to ask any questions along the way. We are all here to help one another.
    Blue_Man likes this.

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